It's been years since I read the previous book in this series but I don't think they necessarily need to be read back to back.
This had a great premise and I liked how the different storylines intertwined by the end. Rizzoli and Isles are great characters but I wish Maura would ditch the priest.
My issue with this is the overdone writing, it's quite long for a thriller and a lot of the description and exposition seems unnecessary, it could probably be trimmed down by 100 pages and still work well.
4.5 stars! Oh wow, this book is fantastic!! It's such an exciting read and I felt like I was on edge most of the time, like in certain scenes where Phoenix is running through the city avoiding the tribes. So tense! Wilson is a fantastic author and this is a very impressive debut. Very much looking forward to the next instalment.
I generally like the Katie Maguire series, they're fairly well written, interesting, fast paced, etc. however this one just missed the mark for me. I cannot deal with cruelty to animals, even in a fictional story. It just upsets me to no end, so despite this novel involving a few linked story lines that one just didn't sit well with me and I did not enjoy it much for that reason.
Ah this book is a rollercoaster of emotions! It's tense, it's sad at times, it's got some great twists and I genuinely cried happy tears too.
This is not your standard “mystery thriller”, it's got a deeper level of emotion, family, grief, pain and hope.
Looking at the characters, I really liked Maggie and her friendship with Jim, it just touched my heart so much, and the sisterhood between Emma and Steph was so strong despite how the story unfolded.
My only criticism can't really be fully explained because of spoliers but I felt one of the characters wasn't portrayed consistently throughout. I understand this may be deliberate to reflect his mental state but it came off as disjointed and out of place, but it didn't distract much from the story.
I would definitely recommend this to fans of mysteries with a bit more substance.
This was one of those random 2 for 1 deal books you find a supermarket and think it'll just be your average run of the mill thriller, but this was so good!!
I thought it was very well written with great characters and a suspenseful plot. There are a couple of cases ongoing throughout with some other sub-plots weaving in and out of the story, it's a well crafted narrative that keeps you turning the pages well into the night.
I enjoyed the friendship forming between Luc and Ava, it's great to see two people becomes friends over what seems a natural span of time and we can already see the potential for a romantic relationship, but it wasn't insta-love and didn't overpower the plot which I thought was a good choice.
I'm very pleased to see this is the start of a series and I will certainly be looking into continuing.
Thumbs up for Renée Ahdieh, Marissa Meyer, Cindy Pon, Adam Silvera and Andrew Smith's stories. Skipped/skimmed most of the rest though. Shame as I thought I would really enjoy this!
Yet another brilliant book from this author, I've very quickly become obsessed with this series and have all of the remaining books on my Kindle ready to read! 😊
This one is as gruesome and violent as the others but this time follows the investigation of the murders of artists in varying methods of brutality.
As always I love the way Robert Hunter's mind works, the speed he makes connections and the way he can pick up on the slightest clue is just brilliant and never ceases to impress me. Garcia is a wonderful partner and perfect balance to Hunter, I really enjoy their dynamics as a team.
My one teeny negative is Captain Blake and her attitude to the detectives, she's slow on the uptake and I end up rolling my eyes when she needs things explained over and over. C'mon love, keep up!!
I'm always surprised by the twists at the end of these books, I've not guessed one yet and I don't imagine I will with the future ones!
I've just finished this on Christmas morning and it was perfect timing! Now I'm all happy and warm and feeling so festive!
This follows Poppy whose boyfriend sort of proposes 12 days before Christmas then goes to Spain to visit his mother leaving her to decide. Back at home Poppy has dreamt of setting up her own catering company and receives an offer she can't refuse to cook for a family at a log cabin over Christmas.
This is just a wonderful story about friendship, relationships, Christmas and warmth. I was expecting this to be completely surface level and fluffy (and wouldn't have been mad at it!) but it actually had a little depth to be interesting. A nice surprise!
Yes it's completely cheesey at times but it's a festive romance so of course it will be!
I listened to this one on audio and just flew through it!
The pacing is spot on, with short choppy chapters to match the tense, taut dialogue. The plot was twisty and intriguing with some really dispicable characters involved in plots and sub-plots. I thoroughly enjoyed this and will be reading more from this author.
I'm always a little dubious when a book is marketed as the “biggest/most gripping/crazy thriller of [insert year]”, especially when that is actually after the book title when you buy or download it (for example, Amazon has this as “The most addictive psychological thriller of 2018, tipped by Gillian Flynn and Lisa Jewell). When this little marketing tagline is included, it generally doesn't end up being that way and unfortunately this was no exception.
In my opinion this isn't really a thriller, it's a psychological suspense and character study of a man's obsessive love of his ex-girlfriend. Just something to be aware of if looking to pick this up.
This follows Mike and V (Verity), we get some of their back story when they were together and we find out V is marrying someone else so we know immediately that their relationship didn't work out. This isn't a spoiler.
I will say this is well written and does completely pull you in from the start, it's fairly quick to read and the pacing suits the story. Mike is such a complex character to learn about, you know his obsession is just not right but he's actually likeable and you end up wanting the best for him despite his actions with V.
My main issue with this book was the structure, it is split into three parts - parts one and two cover the back story, current situation and the main ‘action' in the story, then the entire third part is basically the trial (again not a spoiler). I can't help but this this might have benefited from some back and forth between the first section and the trial in a sort of flashback or time switch format. The issue with the different parts is that the action has already happened in part two, so there's no climax to the end of the book. It just sort of ends with the end of the trial, somewhat like a true crime book, but this is fiction. It's just a bit flat.
I appreciated the afterword from the author where she explains why she wrote this particular story, it did help to understand some elements of the novel. I also appreciate that this book will not be for everyone and I think it will raise a lot of discussions as people will like different characters, different side of this and will end up with an entirely different view on the ending but that is the beauty of reading.
All in all, I did enjoy this for the most part as the story is interesting and well written, but the latter half an ending was quite unsatisfying and just left me feeling a bit sad.
I think this is probably the most poorly written book I've ever read! Half of the chapters were written list a dry list of facts, names, ages and dates then some others read as if she was trying to make a story of her own; full of irrelevant and fantastical additions which couldn't possibly be known. Also, the sheer amount of spelling and grammatical errors made me cringe, where was the editing?! Steer clear of this one and do some research online instead.
I'm really quite disappointed that I didn't like this book as it came very highly recommended from people I have the same reading tastes as so take notice of their recommendations.
I will say that I liked Carson's writing, it was elegent and simple at the same time which I think is perfect for this type of novel. I also really loved the setting and the Latinx character representation.
Where this fell flat for me was the plot and pacing, I just felt like it was trying to tell an exciting story but it was told far too slowly. At times I was rolling my eyes at the inconsequential details which were added to drive up the word count. Even when there was some action it seemed half baked and a struggle to pull out of the story.
The other thing to mention is the amount of religious references in this book. I get that it's a ‘godstone' and they are a religious people but the sheer amount of religious references was overwhelming and, as an atheist, I simply could not connect with many parts of this story due to this theme.
It's a shame but I won't be continuing with the series and I'm quite disappointed about that, I really wanted to love this!
I think I knew I would love this before I even started reading it - a gender swapped Pretty Woman with a main character on the autism spectrum? Sign me up!!
Everything about this book is inviting and it certainly delivers when reading it. The characters are wonderfully written, the dialogue amusing and the relationship utterly heart warming. I adored Michael with all of my being!! I also really enjoyed the family dynamics shown in the story, both families of the two main characters had their issues but also had a lot of heart and strength which I loved seeing.
I've never read a book with an autistic character so I have no point of comparison but I loved how Stella was represented and really enjoyed reading about her journey to acceptance of herself.
Be warned that this is on the much steamier end of romance so be prepared if you don't like that much detail but if you do, read it. READ IT NOW!!
This was my first Sarah Morgan and I thoroughly enjoyed it so it won't be my last!
This story follows three points of view- sisters Rosie and Katie, and their mother Maggie. Each have their own struggles and their own relationship to work through.
I found all of the characters likeable and enjoyed switching between their stories and following each equally. I loved the setting of the lodge in Aspen and could really see myself enjoying a winter holiday there, although I'm not sure I could ever do a Christmas anywhere but home!
Definitely looking to try more by Sarah Morgan, especially her Christmas novels!
Nope, can't do it. Can't give this more than 1 star. (This is actually the first and only 1 star I've ever given!)
I've recently discovered that I enjoy contemporaries, however I've also now discovered this does not extend to all out chick-lit. It took me a month to read 150 pages, a MONTH. I can usually read that in a day if I want to!
The characters were irritating, the story annoying and the writing was so drawn out. I will give it 1 star for Keyes' quite amusing writing, but it was massively overdone. I just wanted to scream GET TO THE POINT!!
I ended up skimming to the end and even then wasn't bothered. Sorry, not for me.
I thought this would be good and be a fairly standard bridge book to the conclusion of the trilogy but the ending just blew me away. I absolutely love everything about this series! Valek, just so much Valek!
After reading 5 pages of this book I was just so happy to be back in this world. Everything from the previous books came flooding back and I sped through it when I could. I really enjoyed the twists this new book has brought to the story and am very intrigued to see where they go, and I loved having Valek's backstory threaded through. I love any books about assassins so this just pleased me so much. I love Yelena and Valek as a couple, I love Ari and Janco and I love the horses....yes the horses are characters!
I can't believe this series is over!! I'm so sad there will be no more of my favourite characters but I absolutely loved this book and thought it was the perfect end to the story. I can see myself rereading this series many times in years to come, it's just pure comfort and happiness to me.
I feel like this was a bit too long for what it is, it could have done with a good 80-100 shaved off and still been good. Saying that I like everything Sarah Morgan writes so I really didn't mind reading a longer festive treat from her.
I've read all of the books in the Sigma Force series (as well as the authors stand alone novels) and I usually love them, but I just couldn't get invested in this one! I can't put my finger on what it was but I just felt a disconnect with this one compared to others. I think I'll need to revisit it at some point and hopefully it enjoy it more.
A bit underwhelming after so many good books in this series, but still a great instalment. As other reviews say, I hope the author decides to do a spin off series with Paula McIntyre as the main character, and the rest of the team minus Rutherford!
I don't think I can rate a Chris Carter book less than 5 stars, they're all just so good!!
This one certainly had a different feel to the previous books - this follows Robert as he assists the FBI with an investigation involving an old friend from university.
The story this time delves much deeper into the killer's mind, there's less action and more background to both the killings being looked into and Robert's past, which was just heartbreaking at times.
A great instalment in the series, but I'll be happy to see Garcia return too!
It takes a lot to freak me out but I have to hand it to Chris Carter - this one did it! Lets just say I'm not a fan of flying insects, even less so now, so this made me feel icky!
I've loved all of the Robert Hunter books and this one was no exception. I just wonder how he can top this one?
This one was the weakest in the series for me, just couldn't get past Callan's attitude to enjoy the story.
Honestly the first half of this book was really quite average for me, I was thinking it was fine but nothing special so I'd probably not continue with the series. Then I hit the half way mark and everything just went up a load of notches! The plot intensified, the pace quickened, the mystery got even more compelling and the ending was great. I now want to see where this series is going to go!