This so called “book” has mere 44 pages and 2-3 ideas to push. Nothing to look here folks move on and get some real book of you really want to learn about habits and transformations.

October 3, 2020

This book is amazing. Jeff Edwards writes so well that you almost “see” events happening in front of your eyes. Good mix of technical details and action. Very well placed book.

August 25, 2021
June 28, 2021

This book is amazing. Story took a different turn than the previous ones, different but not unfamiliar. All and all very enjoyable setting, engaging story, satisfying journey.

October 16, 2020
January 28, 2019

What an amazing account of Manchester United and its core DNA. SAF is arguably the greatest manager the sport has ever seen. This is a must read for any ManUtd fan.

July 22, 2019

Wow!!! Worldbreaker Hulk is savage!!!....

January 31, 2019