141 Books
See allJaw-dropping. So beautifully written, funny, and interesting. Riveting without relying on grief or romance to make it so. The first few chapters were a little slow, so I'd encourage you to make it to 5 diamonds before DNFing - it will be worth it!
This book was INCREDIBLE. I expected a fluffy little romcom and I did get that, but I was delighted to discover this book was also very well written and interesting beyond the romance, delving into deep topics without becoming very heavy, and with a fascinating and creative adventure. It was lovely watching Monty learn and grow from his own point of view - I love nothing more than an unreliable narrator! Do yourself a favor and read this book.
Read it. It will take you an hour tops and it will melt you (pun intended). So cute, but also really well done - excellent attention to detail, surprisingly complex characterization for a graphic novel, and it was silly and lighthearted while still being compelling. I can think of no reason not to read it.