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October 24, 2004

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Solid and gory. Didn't make me spooked or creeped but the suspense in some areas definitely made the read good. 4/5

December 24, 2001

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Made me cry. Damn you. 5/5

November 22, 2011

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A thorough history of Chris' time in Japan but the puns and sarcasm can almost be timed as to when it'll pop up in his writing. Made it like watching an extended version of one of his YouTube videos on Abroad in Japan. Wasn't bad, but could use some work. 3.5/5

November 24, 2002

Morbid, humorous, and fun. Loved it. 5/5

July 23, 2010

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May 19, 1924

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Haunted muppets.....really? 2/5

October 31, 1923

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September 18, 1924

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A classic masterpiece and a solid warning of the path that we are actively headed down in our current society.

August 24, 2005

Just wasn't fully feeling this one. Tried to get through it but it just couldn't fully capture me.


Contains spoilers

You don't need a whole book to tell you that overworking yourself can lead to health problems and stress you the f*ck out entirely. Less work and more leisure time would be awesome. Everyone knows that.

Still some good points and some interesting bits on the history of work. 2/5

February 18, 1924

Hot damn this was a fun read. Some great thought experiments thrown in about the morality of war with an alien race that doesn't care about killing humans.

Some sections kinda droned on but all around, I enjoyed this book

August 24, 2008

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Fairy smut with some story mixed in. Fight me. 2/5

November 24, 2002

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November 26, 1922

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Good ol' rustic town in the middle of nowhere chock full of crazy killers.... worst part is their reasoning isn't totally wrong. Very nice. 4/5

October 19, 1923

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Your drunk uncle tries (and kinda fails) to get your hopes up about this shitty world and your shitty life. 2.5/5


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Do a thing for 10,000 hours and you'll eventually be a master at it. But instead of doing it for 10,000 hours straight, just do a little at a time over a long period of time. Don't believe me? Here's an entire book explaining why. 3/5

December 28, 1922

A beautiful short read that legit brought tears to my eyes a few times. Sweet and full of hope in this age of anxiety and depression.

April 20, 1924

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Excellent all around and quite the concept. Had me contemplating the possibility that I had Forgotten and was rediscovering my past lives.

Felt like, at times, I was reading a biography composed of journal entries but I never lost interest or had the immersion broken.

February 28, 1924

Contains spoilers

Legit had fun with this one. I wish I could experience it for the first time again. There were parts that legit made me nervous for the cast of characters hoping that someone wouldn't die a gruesome death or be torn apart after being relentlessly tormented. 5/5

June 24, 2001

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July 23, 2010

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Your drunk uncle tries to give you life advice, and somehow manages to make some good points here and there. 3.5/5


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Classic but the writing was...odd. Not really a negative, but made it difficult to follow who was talking and when or whenever a scene was playing out. Made it hard to become enveloped in the story at times.

January 24, 2001

Contains spoilers

January 24, 2003