April 1, 2024
December 24, 2014

Pretty standard “group of friends meet up for weekend away and chaos ensues”. Which would have been fine if it had made me laugh, but it didn't.

January 4, 2015
April 1, 2016

Perfectly serviceable enjoyable piece of fluff. I laughed (even when I probably wasn't meant to) but was never surprised and there was no real conflict either between characters or within Madeline herself. Nice relaxed Sunday read - glad I picked it for my prime read this month

April 12, 2015
August 24, 2014
April 11, 2014

This was ok for the most part, pretty run off the mill. Then I got to the flashback: there was no need for that much detail of a rape, especially of a child. Only read the rest as it was near the end, but it completely spoilt the book for me.

February 4, 2013
April 16, 2015
August 10, 2013
January 20, 2014

Overall I liked this, despite not really being a favoured genre. It felt a bit rushed and some of the things that happened to Leigh were “too good to be true”.

February 28, 2014

Great short story; was not sure where it was headed and it reminded me how scary being psychotic and mentally I'll in this way is.
Much prefer this to ‘fracture by the same author; feels more developed.

March 4, 2014
June 15, 2014

bought this for the stretches, not too impressed with all the ‘exercises' many of which seem somewhat contrived to me

June 8, 2014
March 24, 2014
July 20, 2014
March 14, 2015
February 12, 2015

This is the closest description of panic attacks to my experiences I've ever read (scarily so). Whilst the second half of the book was fairly familiar in terms of treatments/etc, the first half was perfect for me.

November 10, 2017

Read in less than two days

I haven't read a book as quickly as this one for quite some time. The plot drew me in straight away, which is a rare thing, and it just kept building.
I am not good at writing reviews, but if you enjoy fun vampire stories, this is definitely for you

July 24, 2017
August 15, 2013
June 7, 2013
September 7, 2013