12 Books
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3,356 booksWhen you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...
Rating: 1.5
Spice Rating: 2.5
Do I think you should read this book? If you're just starting in Dark Romance, yes, if you're a veteran, no.
DNF at 50% ish. This book suffered the same problem that Haunting Adeline did in my opinion, if I'm reading a dark romance, I don't care that the MMC is dark. I don't need him to be some sort of philanthropist, overly-good guy to negate all the fucked up stuff he does to the FMC, I just want him to be fucked up and own it.
However, that being said, if you need your dark romance MMC's to be a good guy always in his heart of hearts, this would be a great read for you, just not what I'm looking for.
Great writing and narration, just not the characters for me.
🖤🖤The Truths We Burn By Monty Jay 🖤🖤
"I feel him like a third-degree burn all over. My skin blisters in remembrance. My charred bones rattle as they turn to ash all over again."
Star Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Spice Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Brief Summary:
~ Rook and Sage introduce us to a new side of Ponderosa Springs in the second novel of the Hollow Boys series as they delve deep into the history of their town and make thrilling new discoveries about themselves and the mystery they're trying to uncover. ~
Well I'll start off by saying this was one of the most unexpected books to land on my all time favorite's shelf, but ohhh MY GOD am I so glad I continued this series after The Lies We Steal. While the TLWS was by all means a great little spicy dark romance, The Truths We Burn hit me in my fucking soul and brought out emotions in me I didn't even think a book like this would be able to.
"Patience has never been my virtue. I’ve never actively had a virtue, if I’m being honest. I relate more towards the opposing side that includes things such as lust, wrath, and pride."
♖ Rook Van Doren ♖ Rook was a character I knew I'd love and connect with even reading about him in TLWS, but I underestimated just how much his heart would bleed into my own. As someone who's struggled with SH in their past, media depiction of it, even in books, is usually grossly wrong at best and romanticized at worst, but Monty Jay captures the pain and trauma of SH in Rook's character with a maturity and understanding of how real people experience SH, without sacrificing her poetic writing style.
"I may not know fully who I am or what I want for myself—I don’t think that’s the point anymore, because we are supposed to grow, to change, to heal—but I do know what drives me."
🌿Sage Donohue🌿 Sage surprised me more and more with every page and discovering who she is on her journey with Rook, felt like such a privilege. Sage's determination in finding out what happened to her sister and her transformation from her old life was inspiring to read. I was rooting for Sage every step of the way and resonated with her decisions and feelings on such a personal level, I felt like I'd known Sage my whole life.
"Fate might not have chosen me to bear your soul mark, but I will make sure it knows that in this life and all the ones after, I will always be yours. I always have been.”
The Hollow Boys series is not only such a good plot driven dark romance, but also super spicy and a fun read at the same. Will be re-reading this book many times in the future !
This book is gonna be the first book I write a full review for, simply because it affected me that much. I knew I was going to like this book before i read it, it just seemed like the kind of thing I would like. But oh my god, how can I even describe my love for this book? It was beyond my expectations.
I have never read a book where I felt connected to the main character, I've never read a book where my personality and my feeling were literally laid out in front of me to read. It was scary how alike me and him were, it was also amazing. To have someone describe the way you feel about the world is so enlightening and I'm so glad someone could just understand those feelings enough to write about them at all.
I read books for the plot and for the characters, mostly becuase they aren't like me. To experience someone else's world is one of the reasons I love reading, but this book made me realize that I love reading about people that are like me too.
I loved being apart of Dante and Aristotle's journey of discovery, I loved seeing them grow up and discover who they were. Their story was one of the most sweet and pure things I've ever read and honestly reading about it just made me happy really.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe has become my all time favourite book by far. I have never read anything that laid my emotions so bare and I don't think I will ever read anything like this for a long time, if ever.
Honestly, the plot and the story were pretty ok. Hell, even the characters were decent (not great, decent), but this book was just sooooo boring. It has never taken me this long to read a book in my life. I loved the mortal instruments, which is why I picked this book up, but I guess it's just time for me to leave the world of the shadowhunters.
Rating: 4.5
Spice: 3 ish ?
Do I think you should read this book? Yes, bitch do it.
After reading so many bully romances, you really think things aren't going to surprise you, but wow this one was a pleasant surprise after blindly picking it up off of a reddit recommendation. I will say, this book starts off a lot darker than the tone that carries through the rest of the book, so if that first chapter has you going WTF, don't worry. Personally, it a little disorientating as I thought I was in for a much, much, darker MMC than I got, but Carter is still swoon-worthy in his morally grey areas anyways and I love him for it😘.
FMC stole the book in my opinion, bully romances are nothing without a witty, stubborn and hilarious female lead, and Zoey checks all the boxes. Their banter and fighting made me laugh and have to shut off my kindle from shock so many times, it was a fun read through and through.
If you're looking for a HEA bully romance with a MMC that is more than he appears, this one is for you, just make sure you watch you TW's!
Read this book !!