What just happened in those last 20 chapters?!
Can we talk about how Avery's security team is such a failure? A bomb in a plane that's been planted before in the engine and the team never found it?
One moment she's bedridden, the next moment she's opening her room to a potential lover and not fearing for her life?
Oh and hey Grayson your dad just died, let's go play with swords.
For someone who is supposedly so smart, Avery can be pretty dumb about her decisions. The angst was pretty unnecessary to the story.
I don't even know if I want to continue on after this convoluted sequel.
Was the friend group supposed to be likeable? I couldn't stand a single person, including the main characters. A lot of their interactions felt toxic. The beginning was fine but I got bored by the 40% mark and I just pushed through the last bit, without caring much about the outcome. In hindsight, I should've DNFed it.
This is a very hard book to rate so I'll leave it without a rating. Honestly, it started out strong I was sure that it'll be a 4 star read at least but the female main character started getting on my nerves the more I read. There were several inconsistencies one of which is the fact that her family seemingly hates her but then she longs to be with them???
I thought one of the redeeming aspects was the magic system but other than that too much time was spent on the romance part, and too little on the world building. The ending was a little too convenient as well.
I flew through the first half and then once the reveal happened, it just dragged for me and I couldn't get attached to the characters. All their actions and dialogues felt weird and unrealistic. I also didn't enjoy the fact that it's basically our world with fantasy names...
DNF at 42% on audio
This started out strong but I couldn't push myself to finish it
Lots of themes I wasn't a fan of
The book does have some good ideas but I really feel like it lacks in editing. The author mentions that he wrote it by using a voice to text AI converter, which explains a lot. The tone of the book is conversational and there are a lot of repetitions. I do believe with proper editing, the resulting book would be much better.
This book is so hard to review... on one hand the writing and story were absolutely brilliant, especially in the way that it unfolded. On the other, I felt like that political messages were quite heavy-handed especially towards the end. It also was anti-religion for the entirety of the novel. Religion was branded as the source of all evil starting with Elizabeth's parents all the way towards Avery's backstory.
I think for me it was a 5-star read up until the 60% mark and then the messaging made it harder for me to pick it up after putting it down.
DNF at page 53. I was waiting for it to stop being cringey and it felt a little insta-lovey
Wasn't a fan of the writing either