

Alex Norton

Joined4 months ago




Alex Norton's Books by Status

273 Books

See all
Locke & Key, Vol. 1: Welcome to Lovecraft
The Shadows of London
The Seventh Function of Language
Skelton's Guide to Domestic Poisons
Time for the Dead
A Memory Called Empire - Preview Excerpt
Dead in Devon

Alex Norton's Most Popular Reviews

March 17, 2022

Just re-read it. Actually I just listened to it in Audible's full cast Author's preferred version and it was so00o good. Strangely enough I remembered the first half but the whole second half had slipped away like a dream... Hmmmm... Really looking forward to the TV adaptation.


I adore Banks, but this one felt a bit over produced, and I can't even put my finger on it. Maybe too many ships and characters with different allegiances and the ship equivalent of “He said” “she said” at every sentence just wore me down. On to the next one

October 11, 2023

There were so many elements to like in this novel and i know i enjoyed it while reading it. But the scary thing, in thinking back a month after the fact is how little i remember of it. The irony is not lost on me.

May 3, 2024
September 3, 2022