
100 Novels Poster


#1 of 5 in 2666

ByRoberto Bolaño,Natasha Wimmer(Translator)

2004 • 375 Readers • 898 pages 3.9

Cover 4

9 Readers 4.5

A House for Mr Biswas

A House for Mr Biswas
ByV.S. Naipaul

1961 • 40 Readers • 564 pages 4

All the King's Men

All the King's Men
ByRobert Penn Warren

1946 • 148 Readers • 669 pages 4

American Pastoral

#6 of 9 in Complete Nathan Zuckerman

American Pastoral
ByPhilip Roth

1997 • 200 Readers • 434 pages 3.8

An American Tragedy

#140 of 28 in LOA

An American Tragedy
ByTheodore Dreiser

1900 • 91 Readers • 502 pages 3.8

Anna Karenina

Anna Karenina
ByLeo Tolstoy,Richard Pevear(Translator),+1 more

1877 • 1,382 Readers • 1,480 pages 4

A Passage to India

A Passage to India
ByE.M. Forster

1901 • 194 Readers • 376 pages 3.4

A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man

198 • 447 Readers • 490 pages 3.6

Appointment in Samarra

1934 • 50 Readers 4.2

At Swim-Two-Birds

At Swim-Two-Birds
ByFlann O'Brien

1939 • 14 Readers • 276 pages 2.7


#1 of 2 in Beloved Trilogy

ByToni Morrison

1987 • 879 Readers • 362 pages 3.9

Blood Meridian

Blood Meridian
ByCormac McCarthy

1985 • 1,012 Readers • 368 pages 4.1


#1 of 2 in Catch-22

ByJoseph Heller

1961 • 1,611 Readers • 466 pages 4

Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment
ByFyodor Dostoevsky,Richard Pevear(Translator),+1 more

19 • 2,054 Readers • 602 pages 4.3

Last finished on
Death Comes for the Archbishop

1927 • 78 Readers • 306 pages 4.1


ByJames Dickey

1972 • 73 Readers • 240 pages 4.1

Dog Soldiers

Dog Soldiers
ByRobert Stone

1974 • 11 Readers • 342 pages 2.5


ByJohn Cheever

1977 • 22 Readers • 160 pages 3.3


#1 of 4 in Gilead

ByMarilynne Robinson

2004 • 279 Readers • 289 pages 4

Gone with the Wind

#1 of 1 in Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind
ByMargaret Mitchell

196 • 715 Readers • 976 pages 4

Go Tell It on the Mountain

1953 • 258 Readers • 184 pages 4

I, Claudius

#1 of 2 in Claudius

I, Claudius
ByRobert Graves,Stephen Alcorn

1934 • 212 Readers • 432 pages 4.1

If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
ByItalo Calvino,William Weaver(Translator)

1979 • 453 Readers • 260 pages 4.1

Infinite Jest

Infinite Jest
ByDavid Foster Wallace

1996 • 883 Readers • 1,079 pages 4.3

Last finished on
Invisible Man

Invisible Man
ByRalph Ellison

1952 • 537 Readers • 610 pages 3.8

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre
ByCharlotte Bronte

1991 • 5 Readers 4

Last finished on

ByGeorge Eliot

18 • 480 Readers • 810 pages 4.2


ByJeffrey Eugenides

649 Readers 4.1

Midnight's Children

Midnight's Children
BySalman Rushdie

1981 • 449 Readers • 640 pages 4


ByHerman Melville

1851 • 1,092 Readers • 24h 50m 3.6

Added on

ByMartin Amis

1984 • 88 Readers • 454 pages 3.3

Naked Lunch

Naked Lunch
ByWilliam S. Burroughs

1959 • 321 Readers • 292 pages 3.1

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

1962 • 1,008 Readers • 336 pages 4.1

One Hundred Years of Solitude

One Hundred Years of Solitude
ByGabriel García Márquez,Gregory Rabassa(Translator)

1967 • 1,774 Readers • 422 pages 4.1

Last finished on
On the Road

Duluoz Legend

On the Road
ByJack Kerouac

1955 • 779 Readers • 254 pages 3.3

Pale Fire

Pale Fire
ByVladimir Nabokov

1945 • 379 Readers • 282 pages 4.3

Last finished on
Play It as It Lays

Play It as It Lays
ByJoan Didion

1970 • 250 Readers • 227 pages 3.7

Pride and Prejudice

Cozy Classics

Pride and Prejudice
ByJane Austen

1811 • 2,741 Readers • 342 pages 4.2

Last finished on
Rabbit, Run

#1 of 5 in Rabbit Angstrom

Rabbit, Run
ByJohn Updike

1960 • 7 Readers 2.3

Rābinsana Krūso dā britānta

Rābinsana Krūso dā britānta
ByDaniel Defoe,George Stade

19 • 421 Readers 3.4

Slaughterhouse 5

Critical Insights

Slaughterhouse 5
ByKurt Vonnegut

1968 • 2,384 Readers • 292 pages 4.1

Added on
The Adventures of Augie March

1953 • 64 Readers • 386 pages 4

The Big Sleep

#1 of 8 in Philip Marlowe

The Big Sleep
ByRaymond Chandler

1939 • 398 Readers • 155 pages 3.7

The Bridge of San Luis Rey

1927 • 73 Readers 3.8

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

2007 • 486 Readers • 360 pages 3.8

The Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye
ByJ. D. Salinger

1951 • 2,942 Readers • 288 pages 3.6

The Crying of Lot 49

The Crying of Lot 49
ByThomas Pynchon

1965 • 369 Readers • 288 pages 3.8

The Day of the Locust

The Day of the Locust
ByNathanael West

1939 • 69 Readers • 118 pages 3.5

The Death of the Heart

The Death of the Heart
ByElizabeth Bowen

1938 • 53 Readers • 418 pages 3.8

The God of Small Things

1997 • 557 Readers • 344 pages 3.8

The Golden Notebook

The Golden Notebook
ByDoris Lessing

1999 • 120 Readers • 676 pages 4

The Good Soldier

The Good Soldier
ByFord Madox Ford

1915 • 112 Readers 3.3

The Grapes of Wrath

The Grapes of Wrath
ByJohn Steinbeck

1939 • 1,238 Readers • 496 pages 3.8

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

1940 • 245 Readers • 368 pages 3.7

The Heart of the Matter

1948 • 7 Readers • 274 pages 4.2

The House of Mirth

The House of Mirth
ByEdith Wharton

1905 • 184 Readers • 435 pages 4

The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha

#1 of 2 in Don Quijote de la Mancha

The ingenious hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha
ByMiguel de Cervantes Saavedra,John Rutherford(Translator)

1605 • 891 Readers • 1,023 pages 3.8

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Their Eyes Were Watching God
ByZora Neale Hurston

1937 • 611 Readers • 260 pages 3.9

The Maltese Falcon

The Maltese Falcon
ByDashiell Hammett

1929 • 250 Readers • 165 pages 3.9

The Metamorphosis

The Metamorphosis
ByFranz Kafka,Stanley Corngold(Translator)

1915 • 1,428 Readers • 98 pages 3.8

Cover 1

The Painted Bird
ByJerzy Kosi??ski

1 Reader

Cover 1

The Recognitions
ByWilliam Gaddis, William H. Gass

4 Readers

The Red Badge of Courage: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism

1895 • 117 Readers • 364 pages 3.3

The Shipping News

The Shipping News
ByAnnie Proulx

1993 • 170 Readers • 360 pages 3.8

The Sound and the Fury

The Sound and the Fury
ByWilliam Faulkner

1929 • 453 Readers • 326 pages 3.7

Last finished on
The Sportswriter

#1 of 5 in Frank Bascombe

The Sportswriter
ByRichard Ford

1986 • 52 Readers • 375 pages 3.6

The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also Rises
ByErnest Hemingway

1926 • 695 Readers • 264 pages 3.6

To the Lighthouse

To the Lighthouse
ByVirginia Woolf

1925 • 602 Readers • 326 pages 3.7

Tree of Smoke

Tree of Smoke
ByDenis Johnson

2008 • 57 Readers • 624 pages 4.5

Tropic of Cancer

#1 of 3 in Tropic

Tropic of Cancer
ByHenry Miller

1934 • 192 Readers • 318 pages 3.2

Under the net

Under the net
ByIris Murdoch

1954 • 37 Readers • 252 pages 3.4

Under the Volcano

Under the Volcano
ByMalcolm Lowry

1947 • 101 Readers • 363 pages 3.7

White Noise

White Noise
ByDon DeLillo

1985 • 427 Readers • 337 pages 3.8

White Teeth

White Teeth
ByZadie Smith

2001 • 346 Readers • 448 pages 3.9

Last finished on
Wide Sargasso Sea

1966 • 286 Readers • 189 pages 3.4

Wittgensteinʼs mistress

1988 • 41 Readers • 279 pages 3.3