Another very solid space opera, though this one is both more palatable and less uniquely impressive than Consider Phlebas. I liked the themes of passion and obsession, but felt they could have been played better or perhaps louder. The game of Azad itself was very interesting and the descriptions of play were cool. The twist of Gurgeh’s purpose was not very surprising, but Flere-Imsaho’s true nature was indeed. I love Banks’ politics.
Another very solid space opera, though this one is both more palatable and less uniquely impressive than Consider Phlebas. I liked the themes of passion and obsession, but felt they could have been played better or perhaps louder. The game of Azad itself was very interesting and the descriptions of play were cool. The twist of Gurgeh’s purpose was not very surprising, but Flere-Imsaho’s true nature was indeed. I love Banks’ politics.