I felt priviledged to receive a reviewer copy of this book.
The whole story teeters on becoming a niche classic fantasy with memorable characters, unique settings, and a shadow that lurks just behind the words that keep you wondering when the whole thing is going to spiral into a much darker experience.
If you want a quick, light, and enjoyable read then this is your book, if you are hoping for a deeper experience based upon a premise that has so much promise than you might be slightly disappointed as we never quite get there.
At times it felt as if the author got lost as to who his intended audience is. It also seemed as if alot was left on the cutting room floor.
In closing, I recommend this book as long as the reader realizes that for its problems there is a good nugget of a story in there.
For the most part I enjoyed it but I found that I like the style more than the story that became awfully predictable and in the end seemed a bit cheap. Not bad but not great either.
It was time to wrap up this trilogy and I dove in with both feet.
Once again Thomas is fighting WICKED, running this trilogy toward a conclusion that was sure to be explosive.
I wasn't a fan of the ending, not just the ending of this book, but of the trilogy. It felt a bit rushed and not completely what I expected or had hoped for.
All in all it closed the series and wrapped up the majority of the plotlines even if I had hoped for more.
The first book ended on a cliff hanger and I eagerly continued on with the series.
I enjoyed the book to a point but alas I can rate it no more than average. That is not to say I wouldn't recommend carrying on with the series only that we took a step back.
I'm glad I didn't have to wait to start thr 3rd either or I would have been stuck in a cliif hanger!!
A Fun Character Read
If you like good characters than this is a must. It doesn't even bother me that the end was pretty clear long before the book started winding down because the characters still resonate with me hours after finishing.
It is a book I borrowed from the library but bought as soon as I was done.
Exciting and confusing in a good way. I sat there wanting to know what was going on.
Recommended reading.
A very dark but honest look into the mind of a man being tortured by the darkness rising in his own mind. A close-up look at depression whose symptoms and struggles are captured perfectly and eloquently. Should be required reading for anyone suffering depression or close to someone who is.
What could have been.
When I heard about this book it was from a co-worker who was clamoring amongst the crowd to get us all to read this book. That but of hype may have built my expectations to a point that would be hard to meet. There was only one character fleshed out enough for me to care about. Everyone else was just white noise and I'm this book the author needed you to care about the others as well. I hate to say that it felt like the story changed direction multiple times and left loose ends all over the place that did little to create suspicion as to who committed the murder. Instead it felt like the author was going down one path and a sudden flash caused the story to go somewhere else without cleaning up after itself. Don't get me wrong, it's worth a read, just in the same way that some made for tv movies are worth a watch.
Although this book is not new it is my favorite I have read this year thus far. It is a good reminder of why King is one of if not the best at his genre.