

A Lover's Discourse

A Lover's Discourse
ByRoland Barthes,Roland Barthes

2002 • 43 Readers • 242 pages 4.2

Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza

1987 • 28 Readers • 312 pages 4.5

Cover 1

Dreamworlds of Alabama
ByAllen Shelton

1 Reader

Illuminations: Essays and Reflections

Illuminations: Essays and Reflections
ByWalter Benjamin,Harry Zohn(Translator)

1955 • 53 Readers • 288 pages 4.5

Cover 3

2005 • 2 Readers 4

Madness, Rack, and Honey

2012 • 24 Readers • 352 pages 5


ByRoland Barthes,Annette Lavers(Translator),+1 more

1957 • 76 Readers • 296 pages 4.2

Nine Gates

Nine Gates
ByJane Hirshfield

1997 • 3 Readers • 240 pages

Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl

1999 • 8 Readers • 137 pages 4

The Art of Recklessness

2010 • 3 Readers • 167 pages

The Heart of Haiku

The Heart of Haiku
ByJane Hirshfield

2011 • 5 Readers • 29 pages 3.5

Cover 1

The Life of Poetry
ByMuriel Rukeyser

1 Reader

Cover 1

The Necessary Angel
ByWallace Stevens

1951 • 2 Readers • 192 pages

The Poetics of Space

The Poetics of Space
ByGaston Bachelard,Maria Jolas(Translator)

1957 • 74 Readers • 282 pages 4.1

The Second Sex

#1 of 2 in Le deuxième sexe

The Second Sex
BySimone de Beauvoir

1949 • 285 Readers • 746 pages 4

The Triggering Town

The Triggering Town
ByRichard Hugo

1978 • 7 Readers • 128 pages 3.5

Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing

Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing
ByHélène Cixous,Susan Sellers(Translator)

1993 • 3 Readers • 162 pages 4

What is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics

1993 • 3 Readers • 321 pages 2

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name

1982 • 96 Readers • 265 pages 4.4