A brief, engaging, and beautifully written biography of Elizabeth. Without space for all the historical detail, Williams focuses keenly on the woman and serves us up an intriguing primer for a vast and fascinating subject.

June 3, 2018

Every now and then I read a book that completely humbles me. “Mister God This Is Anna” was one such book. This is another.

March 8, 2020
January 15, 2018
December 28, 2017
April 4, 2020

This is an engaging short biography of Leonardo that I appreciated far more second time around, ten years later. I have to knock a star off though, because what is any book about Leonardo without illustrations?

March 31, 2021
April 14, 2018

The biggest problem I had with this book was its entirely humourless tone.

June 14, 2022
August 13, 2020
May 8, 2020
June 30, 2018
February 24, 2021
May 29, 2016
December 28, 2021

Holy Jesus! Reading this book is like going on an acid trip yourself. Surreal, grotesque, disturbing... and very funny.

March 27, 2020
September 1, 2021
September 7, 2021

Gorgeously illustrated.

September 15, 2018
June 10, 2023

An exquisite noire thriller.

May 13, 2017
June 22, 2024
October 12, 2020

John Man writes very good books for the general reader. He can ramble a bit at times, but his research and erudition are exemplary. I judge this book 3.5 stars, but within the 5 star system it is fairer to round up to 4 than down to 3.

August 18, 2021
January 5, 2017
August 11, 2020