


Joined5 months ago



Whulum's Books by Status

22 Books

See all
Educated: A Memoir
The Dungeon Anarchist's Cookbook
Carl's Doomsday Scenario
The Eye of the Bedlam Bride
I'm Glad My Mom Died
The Rosie Project

Whulum's Most Popular Reviews

Bawled my eyes out


This felt a bit too hippie for me with not enough scientific research backing the bold statements, but it still had parts that were interesting.

Worth the read, but not the community rating imo

June 18, 2023

Never have I wanted to get fisted by what looks like a rock more than after reading this book.

That probably sounds weird out of context, but in context it is wholesome af, almost as wholesome as you'll feel after reading this book! Favorite read of 2022

August 1, 2022

No alpha male domination bullshit or the likes.

The only book I have re-read (3 times so far) and that has helped me grow as a person than any other book before it has.

June 1, 2022