awesome. just a really good book. it's a really provocative depiction of growing up in Africa in a family of ex-patriats moving around Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, Zambia. By the end of the book you've been exposed to so many anicdotes and beautiful depoictions of the hot and throat scalding African experience that it really feels gratifying to have read the book.
What you would expect from Krakauer as far as investigative reporting goes. This feels much more like a magazine piece as apposed to his previously published books. The pace teeters off about halfway though and from there on out it reads like a legal document detailing a crime. Still the subject material is interesting enough.
Read “Walking Out” brutaly amazing story. a collection of short stories about life and death. an amazing collection of stories with some of my favorites in here
The poetic prose are insightful and meaningful without being condescending. It is the essence of a self help book because it is an entertaining reminder of some ideals I enjoy striving for. With a combination of eastern and western philosophy Paul Williams creates a text that can be read by randomly flipping to a page or as a narrative that can remind the reader of the potential of their existence.
but it's still just a book.
a collection of short stories.
stories of drifters the ones in motion and the ones stuck in a certain space. best book I've read in a really long time.
poems about the unexpected death of her son that work together to form a tangible image of a mother's grief.
I found the characters in this book to be some of the most realistic contemporary characters I had ever read. Perhaps, this is all drawn heavily from the author's personal life a previous reviewer noted a lot of Swann's were thanked in the acknowledgments, but the magic was in the details for me on this one.
young love is obsessive or young obsession is lovely or obsession is lovely when young or obsessive young love or lovely obsessions when young or love young obsessives
a wonderful story of youth, loss and first love told through the narration and with wonderful art. this book was the first graphic novel to define the potential of the genre for me and so it holds a special place in my book heart
A memoir/autobiography/profile of growing up in Georgia up until the age of 6. A beautifully written and very moving book.
awesome. just a really good book. it's a really provocative depiction of growing up in Africa in a family of ex-patriats moving around Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, Zambia. By the end of the book you've been exposed to so many anicdotes and beautiful depoictions of the hot and throat scalding African experience that it really feels gratifying to have read the book.
wicked good. read it again so I could remember how wicked good it is. fantasy meets eastern philisophy meets wicked smart writing!
really a solid little collection which I think should be followed by “What we Talk about when we talk about doughnuts” which is a shouts and murmers in a new yorker from sometime ago.
What you would expect from Krakauer as far as investigative reporting goes. This feels much more like a magazine piece as apposed to his previously published books. The pace teeters off about halfway though and from there on out it reads like a legal document detailing a crime. Still the subject material is interesting enough.