This is another good book in The High Republic series. I liked seeing the political side of the Republic with the rivalry between the Grafs and the San Tekkas and I also like seeing how the Jedi deal with these political problems. I wish there was a bit more action early on. It felt like the action started way later in the book near the end, but it was still good regardless. 8/10. - August 14, 2023
This was a very fun mystery book. It had lots of good twists that kept me wanting more. The final chapter also made me excited to read the next book. And as usual, the Acknowledgements pages are very funny to read. I highly recommend reading this book if you liked the first Story Thieves. 10/10. - August 11, 2023
This was a very good book, although it got a bit extreme for Star Wars at some points. Which was fine. I think they did a really good job with the build up and the ending was wonderfully done. I can't wait to continue reading The High Republic. - July 21, 2023
That was a great book. It had some great action scenes as well as some sad moments. I love how the story follows Jorgen as he is put into a difficult situation, following the ending of ReDawn. I suggest you read this before the epilogue of Cytonic as it will make a lot more sense. I am now super excited to read Defiant when it comes out in November. - August 4, 2023
The book was pretty good. It was nice and short and pretty quick to read, as long as you don't procrastinate reading it like I did. It felt kind of sad and depressing, especially near the end, but I still liked it. - August 3, 2023
This book was incredible! It just might be my favorite book of all time! I am so excited to continue reading the trilogy as well as the rest of the Cosmere. - July 28, 2023
I really enjoyed this book. I like seeing what is going on while Spensa is away. I think this book had a good amount of action and character development and the ending was really well done. I can't wait to continue reading the series. - July 21, 2023
I loved this book. The action was great and I liked seeing what the humans where up to while Spensa was away. My favorite part is definitely the romance. I hope there's more of it in Evershore or Defiant. - July 21, 2023
This was a very good book. I was reading it nonstop. There were many moments, especially near the end, that shocked me with the new revelations that were revealed about the series. I am so excited to read Defiant in November. - July 28, 2023
It was a pretty good book. The ending felt a lot more hopeful and positive that The Rising storm did. I like how it added a different perspective to certain scenes from The Rising Storm. I like seeing the characters from The High Republic comics show up. I think I'd only read this again if I was rereading The High Republic. - July 21, 2023
I really liked this short story. It's interesting to see what Kelsier was like before the events of Mistborn. Unfortunately, I wanted more. This felt like the first chapter in a longer book and I really wanted to keep reading about Kelsier. Overall, a 9/10. - August 11, 2023