Reminding me of home, my quinceañera and the music that my parents always had playing throughout the house.
Maybe for the older 4th and 5th grade student to talk about how crazy and sometimes ridiculous the political arena can get sometimes.
Perfect for young children to get a visual and understand what he was saying in such an important speech.
Calling all librarians, teachers, reading specialists, book clubbers, parents, and READERS! I highly suggest you read this book over the summer. Read it, digest it, then INCORPORATE it with your students and young readers! It's geared towards elementary and middle school classroom/students but it could easily be incorporated into the secondary classroom as well as book clubs.
A great fact to share with our students. Not many adults (including me!) know about Sarah Edmonds so kids and adults will love this book.
Although my daughters really like the story they still said they don't like to share. Oh well! We shared a great story nevertheless!