This book is phenomenal! I have read a lot of books about business, leadership, marketing, and all that sort of thing, but none of them has encouraged me like this book has! Follow Your Curiosity isn't a boring textbook about how to go from point a to successful point b - Follow Your Curiosity is a book that will encourage you, make you feel like anything is possible, and help you make your passions into attainable goals! I highly recommend this book, it encouraged me so much to keep working hard toward my goals and dreams! I think it can be easy to forget about the creative side of our goals, passions, and dreams and get too caught up in the technical aspects - but this book helps shake you up just enough to stay positive and push forward!
The minute I read the word “turdbucket” on the first page, I knew I was gonna love this book. 10/10, thoroughly enjoyed the donut throwing.
Oh my goodness, I did not expect to love this book so much! Peter Pan is easily one of my favorites, now. The story is fun and imaginative, though it is a bit darker than the Disney adaptation made it out to be. The messages in the book are lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and will definitely be rereading it in the future. Highly recommend it!
It's really easy to get caught up in the darkness in our world. It's even easier to become jaded and cold towards others, people whose lives and circumstances we don't even know. This book is a reminder that darkness can never overcome the light, that love drives out fear, and that though we can't help everybody, everybody deserves to be helped. This book captures what the Christmas season is all about in a beautiful way. I can't recommend it enough ❤️
I LOVED this book. The Nature of Darkness is such a fun, engaging, beautifully written space adventure!! I thoroughly enjoyed it and I was completely drawn into the universe, characters, story, and the overall atmosphere of all of it together! Short version of my review is this: if you like character driven sci-fi without being bogged down by all sorts of technobabble, GO READ THIS.
Now, here's the long version. I am going to spew all my thoughts without spoiling any story details, so I'll do my best to keep it organized with bullet points:
• The Worldbuilding is fantastic. All of the descriptions of locations and environments were so well done. Each scene in the book was so easy to picture in my mind, just like a movie. The prologue immediately drew me in because of how vivid everything was!
• The characters are all very lovable. There wasn't one I disliked (except the villains, of course, and that's the point), and they were all so well written. The author did a great job of giving the characters distinct personalities, and nobody felt cookie cutter or like an NPC.
• The pacing is so great!! Reading this book was an absolute breeze. Nothing felt boring or like it was dragging, and even though it's science fiction, there's nothing too wordy or difficult to understand. You'll keep reading way past when you planned to stop (I'm speaking from experience lol)
I thoroughly enjoyed this collection of short stories! Each one managed to catch my attention and interest within the first few sentences and kept me engaged. I loved how unique and genuinely creative the stories were as well. One of them even gave me twilight zone vibes which was a really fun twist. Really enjoyed this and if you're a sci-fi fan I absolutely recommend checking it out :)
The Stolen Throne is a must read for fans of the Dragon Age video games! The book is the perfect introduction to the world of Thedas, more specifically Fereldan and the reasons behind the tensions between Orlais and Fereldan. The story follows King Maric Theirin and Loghain as they fight to take back Fereldan from the Orlesian usurper, Meghren, setting the foundations for the Dragon Age: Origins video game. It very much carries the spirit of the games, with witty banter between characters set against the backdrop of a dark fantasy world.
I'm personally a massive fan of the games, so diving deeper into the world and the lore was a blast for me. However, if you haven't played the games, I'm not sure the book would have the same appeal. Not because the writing or story isn't well done, but because I think the book expects you to have a preexisting understanding/knowledge of the characters and the world going into it.
This is one of those books that I couldn't put down. The writing style, the character perspectives, and the drama (I'm a sucker for relational drama) were all chef's kiss. What really drew me in was the mind reading. The whole premise of a society that's just discovered that people who can read minds (readers) exist is crazy and such an engaging idea, and I LOVED how the interactions, conflicts, and different perspectives on readers from different characters played out. I was in a reading slump when I picked this book up and it got me out of it!! Also, I love Elle
We Are Icarus is an exploration of what makes life worth living. It's a story that explores pain and suffering, and the cost of free will. But more than that, it highlights the joys of life; the things we take for granted. It does all this through an enjoyable story that presents an idea that is similar to the Matrix in certain ways, but takes it in a fresh, creative, and interesting direction that I really liked.
We Are Icarus is a story set in a city surrounded by a lethal, impassable mist called “The Void.” Inside, people live in a set routine. They wake up, go to work, then come home and plug into what's called the COR; a virtual world in which they can be, have, and do anything. I won't say much else to avoid spoiling any of the story, but that alone was enough to get me excited to keep reading!
This story made me consider many aspects of how I live my life. How much screen time I have each day, how often I really am present in the moment, and etc. I love when a book is an enjoyable story that also manages to have a deeper message and meaning that makes me think. I also found the world building to be fascinating and easy to digest. There was no wordy technobabble or any difficult science keeping me from comprehending and enjoying the story. The pacing is great, and the book never felt slow or boring. There was enough of a mystery and “what's going to happen” feeling throughout my time reading it that it was a breeze to keep reading without stopping! I was thoroughly engaged as I read!
For the sake of this review, I would like to mention that there are some mature themes in this book, specifically towards the end, and throughout there are many mentions of sex, however nothing explicit. There is a purpose/point made about relationships and physical intimacy through the instances in this book, though sex is alluded too fairly often, and I felt the point could have been made without so many allusions to/instances of intimate scenes. The female characters specifically were a bit quick to push for physical intimacy which felt a bit uncomfortable to me.
Overall, I happily recommend We Are Icarus! Definitely give this one a read! :)
slaps book lemme tell ya, this baby's got it all—mystery, suspense, murder, relational drama, found family, redemption, humor, multiple povs, and all the feels.
This is the third book I've read by Vaughn Heppner, and I have to say I LOVE his fantasy books! His worldbuilding is so interesting and creative, and feels fresh. Rhune Shadow had quite a bit of exposition and laying the ground work of characters, motivations, and moving pieces, but how it all came together in the end made it all 100% worth it. And I absolutely LOVED Elissa, the protagonist. I would happily read an entire series about her!
Here's hoping I'll forget everything that happened in this short story by next year so I can read it again!
I never react audibly to books. I will smile if something I read is funny, and I will cry if it's sad, but I don't laugh out loud or sob. This book made me gasp out loud when I got to the twist. I was genuinely shocked, enough to elicit an audible reaction out of me. Like I said in my last review, I'm having the time of my life binge reading Freida Mcfadden's books!
Reading this book was FUN. I don't want to say much to avoid spoiling anything, but I had a blast reading this book. Started it late and then woke up early to finish it! The chapters are short and really keep you thinking, “I'll just read one more” until you've accidentally finished the entire thing.
The Tunnel to Summer is the first light novel I've read, and I cannot recommend it enough. I finished it in two sittings, only putting it down the first time because I needed to sleep! The premise was intriguing, the characters were interesting, and the mystery and suspense throughout the book was perfect, not to mention the message of the book overall! If you enjoy dramatic slice of life manga/anime like A Silent Voice, this book will be right up your alley!
Just like The Tunnel to Summer, this book draws you in quickly, and you won't want to put it down! Mei Hachimoku is great at creating imperfect characters who are impossible not to like, something that I think stands out about this author's books. Wait for Me Yesterday in Spring builds suspense through a mystery that slowly unravels and keeps you engaged, while also having story beats that make it feel like a comforting slice of life story. I highly recommend it!
This story kept me hooked from start to finish! Take the standard private investigator premise (you know, with the suave noir detective who's never rattled and always has a snarky comeback) and mix it with time travel, an AI assistant, and flashes of a cyberpunk future, and that's what this book is. It's a total blast!
I binge read this series in a weekend. It was SO GOOD. The book starts out simply, then adds layer upon layer of relationships, conflict, politics, and intrigue. Not to mention there are countless unexpected twists and turns. I absolutely loved it from start to finish and can't recommend it enough!
Without a doubt the best book I have ever read on prayer. I can't express how much impact this book had on me, how I view prayer, and my relationship with God. If you've ever struggled with praying or talking to God, or even struggled with your relationship with Him, this book is for you. Even if you've already read a ton of books on prayer and heard plenty of sermons on prayer, I guarantee you will still learn so much from this book!