Third Wheel
Started this months ago and now I'm remembering why I didn't finish it then. I think I might have been able to find more sympathy for the whiny, complaining, self-pitying protagonist if he'd been university-aged. But this grown-ass man (who's co-owned his own business with his best friend for something like a decade?) spends an entire book sulking and punishing everyone around him rather than just telling literally anybody that he's unhappy with the current state of affairs.
All credit to the author, I guess, who writes compellingly enough that I actually finished reading about this incredibly unlikable MC. Don't read this unless you enjoy wishing you could reach into a book and slap the sense into someone (maybe that's the appeal, I'm not sure)
Started this months ago and now I'm remembering why I didn't finish it then. I think I might have been able to find more sympathy for the whiny, complaining, self-pitying protagonist if he'd been university-aged. But this grown-ass man (who's co-owned his own business with his best friend for something like a decade?) spends an entire book sulking and punishing everyone around him rather than just telling literally anybody that he's unhappy with the current state of affairs.
All credit to the author, I guess, who writes compellingly enough that I actually finished reading about this incredibly unlikable MC. Don't read this unless you enjoy wishing you could reach into a book and slap the sense into someone (maybe that's the appeal, I'm not sure)