This is a thoughtful, emotional book that I think does a pretty good job of thinking both practically and romantically about an apocalypse-style scenario. The people living post-apocalypse kill people and hunt for their dinner, but they also play music and put on Shakespeare.
I love the way the characters' stories intersect. It feels very satisfying, as a reader, to have two characters you don't expect to meet to finally meet. I found the flashbacks interesting and well-balanced with the post-apocalypse plot. Well, what little plot there is. This book is very much character-driven, rather than action-driven, which I think is totally fine but you should be prepared for before you read it. If you are looking for fast-paced action adventure, don't read this book.
To me, someone who reads mostly fantasy, this felt very literary. I think it's a great book for someone who mostly reads genre fiction but would like to make the foray into literature. It does an excellent job bridging the gap.
I love all the author's books, and this one was no different. Short and to the point, with clear writing and useful, actionable examples.
Some very strange sensibilities. Slow paced and sort of bleak, but it's very atmospheric. Definitely good fall book (maybe late fall heading into winter).
Cool read. I was familiar with almost all of the games profiled, which was nice, and I liked reading more about the development process. That being said, the chapters got a little “samey” – each one was its own self-contained story, but the stories were often pretty similar.
I like the idea behind this book, but it's not as well done as it could've been. The plot really struggled to find itself, which was a shame because the book had a lot of potential.
Clever concept, cool ideas, but the writing is not great and I didn't like any of the characters.
A very solid entry in the series, but not my favorite so far. A lot happened, that's for sure, and I think it did a good job setting up for the next book.
Has basically everything you would want out of a litrpg book, including actually interesting well-developed characters. Even the small side characters feel fully developed.
Pretty good, but emotionally felt a little flat. I liked the characters but didn't particularly care about them. Had some interesting ideas though.
I had pretty low expectations for this book, but it was pretty enjoyable. Good writing, funny jokes, and even though the book is structured as a series of essays, it does feel pretty cohesive and flows nicely.
I get the impression that the goal of this book is to provide a few hours of light entertainment, and it does its job well.
This was pretty good. The author is clearly a very kind, considerate person, and I enjoyed reading her perspective on life. The book is very much geared towards parents, specifically parents who don't work a traditional 9-5, but that really only affected the examples, the tips themselves were still good.
There were some good tips in here, but overall I felt the book dragged a little bit, especially towards the end. It might've been different if I were in a demographic closer to the author, but I'm not. Still, I'm glad I read it.
I didn't like this one as much as the first one, but it had some good ideas. The execution left something to be desired.
I'm not surprised this book doesn't have a higher rating on here, because it presents a controversial view of the tech industry and if you disagree with that view then it's easy to find reasons to dislike the book. That being said, I thought this book was great. The writing is a little stylistic, but in a good way, and the author is clearly very smart. She clearly put a lot of thought into this book.
Educational, fun to read, and by the end of it I found myself genuinely invested in the story. The writing itself is compelling, and although I was intitially confused by the author's inclusion of personal details in the narrative, by the end it did make sense. I thought the author approached a sensitive topic with great care, and wrote with a lot of respect about the people involved in the story.