I'm happy to finish this series. It was fun and good, but there were just a couple of things that didn't add up.
I've read the book at the wrong time, or after the wrong book. It felt a little bit dry, a lot predictable, but still enjoyable nonetheless.
The second part of the book was better than the first one, more things happened (including some unexpected events).
I do want to see what happens next.
So good. I'm in love with this series. But name of main character should have been Alina StarkovA. It is just Russian. Starkov is for man.
Contrary to Naked Economics, this book actually taught me something new and that was quite unexpected. The last essay about environmentalism was certainly eye-opening for me. I see a lot of things about it differently now and just can't stop thinking about it.
I'm glad that I've found out about this book and it made me to feel proud of being an economist (even if just by education).
Contrary to Naked Economics, this book actually taught me something new and that was quite unexpected. The last essay about environmentalism was certainly eye-opening for me. I see a lot of things about it differently now and just can't stop thinking about it.
I'm glad that I've found out about this book and it made me to feel proud of being an economist (even if just by education).
Вибачайте, але тут рев'ю як такого не буде, адже сказати мені особливо нічого.
Чесно кажучи, я не зовсім розумію, чому я це досі читаю.
Хоча манера розповіді в цій частині була набагато краща, ніж у попередніх частинах.
Але так як в мене є паперові версії двох останніх книг, то я напевно колись таки їх дочитаю.
От є щось в цій книзі таке, що складно описати словами. Але до цього повернемось пізніше.
На цю книгу я випадково натрапила в книжковому вже досить таки давно. Ця обкладинка і лаконічна назва ніяк не давали мені спокою. Я дуже довго вагалась, але таки купила цю книгу. Що ж, тут я не помилилась і мої очікування були більш, ніж просто виправдані.
Незважаючи на те, що книга охопила тільки кілька днів життя готелю (зате яких!), ми встигаємо познайомитись з багатьма героями - робітниками готелю, гостями і ще безліччю людей. Незважаючи на цей натовп, лінія сюжету ніколи не відхиляється. Тут дуже рідко трапляються ліричні відступи - якщо звісно вони не необхідні для самої історії і розуміння що, чому і як. Але їх можна було б перерахувати на пальцях.
А ще тут таки були несподівані повороти. От інколи дійсно те, чого я не очікувала.
І все це в сумі зробило так, що мені дійсно дуже сподобалась ця книга.
Звісно, в бочці меду, знайшлось трохи й дьогтю. Знову підкачав місцями переклад і опечатки. Надто багато опечаток.
Well, I'm clearly not a fan of comics, but this was definitely a page-turner for me. However, it could be just because of the lack of words. But the art is in the best tradition of DC comics.
I happened to read this book by a pure chance, and I'm glad that I did. It was a new experience for me.
І хто б міг подумати? Я таки закінчила читати цю книженцію. Навіть швидше, ніж могла б сподіватись.
Я поняття не маю, що сказати про нехудожню книгу. Тут не оціниш героїв чи сюжет. Хоча я можу сказати, що загалом вона мені сподобалась. Її було легко читати і всі ідеї були таки досить простими. Особливо для того, хто вже й так це все вчив на протязі 4 років.
Що мене трошки розчарувало, так це те, що переклад місцями був досить кволим. А також те, що досить часто трапились опечатки. Я б порадила видавництву ще раз перечитати цю книгу і виправити помилки.
If you've seen my rating for this book you already know that I really liked it. To say that it was unexpected for me would be an understatement. It was a really really long time ago, since I've read a book in Russian and written by a Russian writer. But I'm really glad that I did and I do want to continue on with the series.
After so much time I got used to mostly american humor, but it is so nice to once in while, get back to something familiar and dear. Eager to see what's next.
I think, there is something broken in me after that ending. It's not that sad and nobody died, but I need a little bit of air here nonetheless
The humour just gots better and better.
The only thing that really starts to concern me is that the books do not have some feel of the end in the end (if you know what I mean) and the end of one book just goes into the beginning of the next one.
But I like it anyway.
I miss the humour of previous books. It is still present, but with a dire overall situation not really calls for laughing.
On the one hand, the series is so cinematic, that I would like to see a TV adaptation of it. On the other hand, I'm scared of what Russian movie makers will do with it.
Now it is even sad to take a break from the books. But I want to wait until the ninth book is officially published.
It is needless to say that I loved this book as well. After spending so much time with the cycle, I started noticing some discrepancies between different installments. However, they didn't spoil the overall experience for me at all.
The cycle made me fall in love not only with the sunny Barcelona, that I already have in my imagination, but with the grim, pessimistic and rainy one too. I slowly fell in love with the writing, with main and a lot of side characters (of couple I loved only story of their death, but still), setting, action. And the irony, of course.
An extraordinary book about tricky interweaving of life of completely different people. About war and how it ruins everything to the point when there is nothing left. When people are against people, they are no longer human. But still, there is a light we cannot see.
It is always such a disappointment when you don't like the book, that a lot of people love.
I can't really say something bad about Night Circus. I liked it well enough, but I just wasn't fully engaged in the story. Also, I was somewhat irritated by the constant change of timeline. The novel overall was somewhat ephemeral, really hard to connect to.
Wow. I never previously believed that so many descriptions can be just a part of the experience. Not something to read diagonally and forget, but real, not interchangeable part of the story.
Of course, I will continue with the series. And probably, Robin Hobb will become one of my favourite authors.
The first read of the new decade caught me by surprise. I was cleaning the bookshelf at my parent's house and kinda started reading it without realizing what I had done.
That is such a fun and easy story. And it is so fast-paced and engaging. You can tell, that I really liked it. It is good to know, that that six-year-old child inside me is still alive :)