54 Books
See allShort, sweet, and right to the point. For a chronic procrastinator like me (who also happens to be a mortal), I devoured this one in a day. Poses a lot of cool questions that makes you rethink how you're spending your time, life, and more, and man oh man did I need those questions!
Well THIS book was amazing in more ways than one. A queer retelling of Dracula written in a way that keeps you GLUED to the page. There's darkness, there's gothic themes, there's sapphic romance, the prose is BEAUTIFUL, I feel like I'm reading a classic and yet it was only released late January 2021. WOW. So many of the other reviews here do this masterpiece of a book more justice than I think I would, and at risk of literally repeating the overflowing praise that this book absolutely deserves, I will simply include my reaction the ENTIRE. TIME. I. READ. IT.
Kind of gave me 13 going on 30 vibes. It's a cute idea about time travel and age, though I wasn't as engaged as I went in hoping I would be (especially since I love 13 going on 30 so much).
Classic Golden age mystery...though I've always loved Sayers work (I read this a loooong ass time ago but figured now would be a good time to add it to my shelves).