March 3, 2022

‘We chanted “We have no weapons”. The only thing we had with us were candles and flowers...There was blood everywhere and I could hear bones cracking'

August 21, 2022

“Sunt lacrimi care sfredelesc pământul și răsar ca aștri pe alte tărâmuri. Cine ne-o fi plâns stelele noastre? Dar eu îmi caut lacrimile pe întunericul atâtor ceruri...”

October 18, 2022

“Just as for a long time people were deceived about the movement of the sun, so we are still deceived about the movement of what is to come. The future is fixed, dear Mr Kappus, but we move around in infinite space.”

March 17, 2022
March 18, 2022
June 18, 2022