

Alex Richey

Joined9 months ago

I'm a highly excitable library cataloging person and I read a lot of books and manga.



Alex Richey's Books by Status

195 Books

See all
The Liar's Crown
The Da Vinci Code
Our Share of Night
Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants
A Magical Girl Retires
Table for Two: Fictions
The Black Girl Survives in This One

Alex Richey's Most Popular Reviews

January 18, 2024

This would probably be more enjoyable if I'd read the book first. On its own, it's way too fast paced and jumpy. But it seems adequate at delivering the story in short order. Not a fan of the art. 

October 22, 2022

This made me pretty sad, and the fantasy element got cranked up a bit more than I was expecting, in a way that made it more distracting and unbelievable rather than fascinating. It was an ok read, but probably one of my least favorite of all the previous books. 

September 15, 2023

Oh... something very bad is about to happen. 

February 12, 2024

This is surprisingly technical. I appreciate the translation notes at the end that go into detail about the different car vocabulary. I'm super impressed with this story's pacing. 

First book I ever did original cataloging for, so I'm treasuring this experience a little more for it. :)

April 19, 2024