January 19, 2011

nice book I will wait the next book

January 22, 2011

This book really good, the view point is different than other book that I read, it's unique.
I will wait for this book sequel, and I hope it will become movie

January 26, 2011

Really nice book

February 22, 2011

Sangat cocok kalau yang suka dengan cerita fantasy dengan humor didalamnya

February 26, 2011

Menurut saya buku ini menarik, apalagi yang suka dengan cerita yunani, dan untuk fast reading pun buku ini masih bisa membuat bekas di kepala.

February 17, 2011

Bener bener buku yang bagus, membawa pembaca seperti ikut dalam labirin tersebut

February 23, 2011

event though some people not like it, but for me this book is good enough to make me curious for what happen next

January 18, 2011