Added to listArcwith 41 books.
Added to listSci Fiwith 59 books.
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Like a gritty post-apocalyptic jaunt through a lawless West, but your main character is a Buddhist monk who avoids hurting/killing people, when people want to kill him. Will is a courier for a potential cure for a plague that ravaged the world, but the man trying to stop him is actually the least of his worries. The remains of society, the lawlessness, the unchecked wilderness is doing a pretty good job of it on its own. Will reflects on this a lot during his journey, and his additional traveling companions, a cat named Cass, a raven named Peau, provide him with additional food for thought and perspectives throughout.
I appreciated the extensive inclusion of Buddhism/Buddhist principles throughout the book, as this is more meant to be an introspective journey than it is a gritty wall-to-wall dystopian adventure. I really felt a part of the world the author was crafting here, and I think I enjoyed the quiet moments of the journey and his interactions/troubleshooting along the way, more than the scenes involving actual action. I like how the author handles Cass and Peau's "talking", equal parts magical realism and plain understanding of animal vocalizations. I like the story told here as well, with the backstory of the Mayhems sprinkled in alongside the journey to get the cure to California.
I'm not quite as in love with how the book ends up though, which prevented me from giving it the 5 stars I was riding on the rest of the book. (ending spoilers here)I'm not sure I love the idea of Eva not being dead, or the way she was woken up. I know I praised the inclusion of the elements of Buddhism above, but her being conveniently able to keep herself asleep for 14 years using some hard-to-achieve Buddhist principle while not really being a practicing Buddhist herself seemed a bit hard to swallow.
But the rest of the book? Fantastic. Enjoyed every minute of it.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Like a gritty post-apocalyptic jaunt through a lawless West, but your main character is a Buddhist monk who avoids hurting/killing people, when people want to kill him. Will is a courier for a potential cure for a plague that ravaged the world, but the man trying to stop him is actually the least of his worries. The remains of society, the lawlessness, the unchecked wilderness is doing a pretty good job of it on its own. Will reflects on this a lot during his journey, and his additional traveling companions, a cat named Cass, a raven named Peau, provide him with additional food for thought and perspectives throughout.
I appreciated the extensive inclusion of Buddhism/Buddhist principles throughout the book, as this is more meant to be an introspective journey than it is a gritty wall-to-wall dystopian adventure. I really felt a part of the world the author was crafting here, and I think I enjoyed the quiet moments of the journey and his interactions/troubleshooting along the way, more than the scenes involving actual action. I like how the author handles Cass and Peau's "talking", equal parts magical realism and plain understanding of animal vocalizations. I like the story told here as well, with the backstory of the Mayhems sprinkled in alongside the journey to get the cure to California.
I'm not quite as in love with how the book ends up though, which prevented me from giving it the 5 stars I was riding on the rest of the book. (ending spoilers here)I'm not sure I love the idea of Eva not being dead, or the way she was woken up. I know I praised the inclusion of the elements of Buddhism above, but her being conveniently able to keep herself asleep for 14 years using some hard-to-achieve Buddhist principle while not really being a practicing Buddhist herself seemed a bit hard to swallow.
But the rest of the book? Fantastic. Enjoyed every minute of it.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Added to list2024 Favoriteswith 9 books.
Added to listFantasywith 128 books.
Added to listShort Storieswith 10 books.
Added to listAudiobooks Readwith 140 books.
This was delightful from beginning to end. I know there's lots of comments here about slow starts, but I appreciate that the author was able to cram in so much of Ester's backstory and motivation into so few pages without me losing interest and without it feeling exposition-y. We learn a lot about rocs, about the kingdom, about the main players, about the rookery, and about Ester herself in the beginning, and I think all of that is needed to appreciate the payoff in the second half.
I would definitely read a full-size story about Ester and Zahra, but I also think this was exactly as many pages as it needed to be to tell her story. I think my only complaint (and it's very minor) was the inclusion of (story spoilers here) Nasmin and the prince and the brief love triangle drama we had. It didn't really bring much to the story, and aside from Nasmin's roc being the catalyst of Darius' maiming later on, Nasmin herself and the prince as well was pretty much out of the story after that. It didn't fit in well with the rest of the book.
Still, a really great story. I picked it up to try and get my Goodreads goal back on track, and wasn't expecting it to be this great.
This was delightful from beginning to end. I know there's lots of comments here about slow starts, but I appreciate that the author was able to cram in so much of Ester's backstory and motivation into so few pages without me losing interest and without it feeling exposition-y. We learn a lot about rocs, about the kingdom, about the main players, about the rookery, and about Ester herself in the beginning, and I think all of that is needed to appreciate the payoff in the second half.
I would definitely read a full-size story about Ester and Zahra, but I also think this was exactly as many pages as it needed to be to tell her story. I think my only complaint (and it's very minor) was the inclusion of (story spoilers here) Nasmin and the prince and the brief love triangle drama we had. It didn't really bring much to the story, and aside from Nasmin's roc being the catalyst of Darius' maiming later on, Nasmin herself and the prince as well was pretty much out of the story after that. It didn't fit in well with the rest of the book.
Still, a really great story. I picked it up to try and get my Goodreads goal back on track, and wasn't expecting it to be this great.
Added to listHistorical Fictionwith 72 books.
Added to listAudiobooks Readwith 139 books.
Boring. Meticulously researched with lots of detail about Egyptian culture and mythology I didn't know, but never makes up for the fact that not a lot actually happens. I'm also only loosely calling this historical fiction, because as I looked up later, there's no proof Neferura did a lot of what happens in this book.
Neferura is the daughter of the pharaoh Hatshepsut, with a half-brother, Thutmose, whom she shares control of the people with. I'm only half grasping this part of the story, but Neferura controls half of their region, while Thutmose controls the other half, and Thutmose was not content to hold onto just his half. What unfolds in the book is a (one-sided) power struggle, with Neferura trying to navigate family power struggles while coming out the other side not dead.
I'll start out by saying this book felt very YA in its writing style. Dialogue is very he said/she said, and while there are some adult situations involved (notably SA), they're only loosely touched on before retreating back into the day-in-the-life-of-a-power-struggle format of the book. Character development was basically nonexistent, and some of the characters started blending together for me near the end. Everything just felt a bit watered down and bland, like what you'd find in a book meant for a younger audience.
I also thought the ending was abrupt and unsatisfying. Ending spoilers here: Neferura is getting ready to have her child, she fades to black, and then we're in the epilogue where evidently she was secreted away by the wise woman and her death faked, but we never actually experience any of that. It just felt really unfulfilling after the buildup of the rest of the book.
Just not my cup of tea. I was bored through most of the second half, but was too committed to put it down.
Boring. Meticulously researched with lots of detail about Egyptian culture and mythology I didn't know, but never makes up for the fact that not a lot actually happens. I'm also only loosely calling this historical fiction, because as I looked up later, there's no proof Neferura did a lot of what happens in this book.
Neferura is the daughter of the pharaoh Hatshepsut, with a half-brother, Thutmose, whom she shares control of the people with. I'm only half grasping this part of the story, but Neferura controls half of their region, while Thutmose controls the other half, and Thutmose was not content to hold onto just his half. What unfolds in the book is a (one-sided) power struggle, with Neferura trying to navigate family power struggles while coming out the other side not dead.
I'll start out by saying this book felt very YA in its writing style. Dialogue is very he said/she said, and while there are some adult situations involved (notably SA), they're only loosely touched on before retreating back into the day-in-the-life-of-a-power-struggle format of the book. Character development was basically nonexistent, and some of the characters started blending together for me near the end. Everything just felt a bit watered down and bland, like what you'd find in a book meant for a younger audience.
I also thought the ending was abrupt and unsatisfying. Ending spoilers here: Neferura is getting ready to have her child, she fades to black, and then we're in the epilogue where evidently she was secreted away by the wise woman and her death faked, but we never actually experience any of that. It just felt really unfulfilling after the buildup of the rest of the book.
Just not my cup of tea. I was bored through most of the second half, but was too committed to put it down.
"Run as far away as you’d like, the wall had told me. I will always be there."
Our dear Unnamed Protagonist has a bit of an identity issue. He met a girl when he was 17, had a brief, unrequited love, and then she vanished. During their time together, they played a game imagining a walled city together. This stuck with our Unnamed Protagonist long after she vanished, until circumstances bring him to the very city the two of them dreamed up when they were kids. Lo and behold, the 16 year old girl is there, acting as the Unnamed Protagonist’s assistant in dream reading. Things get along swimmingly (if a bit same-y, day after day after day after day after….), until the Unnamed Protagonist helps his own shadow leave the city, never to return. Suddenly we’re back in Japan, in Fukushima, with our Unnamed Protagonist acting as a librarian in a very remote town. Where did the walled city go? What does the dead-but-not old head librarian know about the walled city and how to get back? Who is the kid with the Yellow Submarine sweatshirt? All these questions and (so many) more are yours to explore by the end.
I won't get into my deeper thoughts on what I thought this book meant, because that's more for the reader to find. I will say I liked the themes here of (thematic spoilers here) duality, the perception of reality, and moving on from unrequited love, amongst other things.
Right off the bat I feel like this had some pacing issues in the middle. I enjoyed the young love setup in the beginning, and enjoyed the satisfying payoff as things start accelerating past the midpoint of the book, but the day-after-day sameness of the library in Fukushima felt a little thin. The detail is certainly there though, so if you love Murakami depicting everyday life (I do), you’ll get that itch scratched here. In true Murakami fashion, don’t go into this looking for definitive answers from the author, because the real answers are the ones you find (or, make up convincingly) along the way. I appreciated being able to revisit the town from Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, and was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t feel like a rehash exactly, just another story layered over the same town. And finally, while there’s no sex in this book (Murakami bingo card holders with ‘weird sex’ as a square, I’m sorry), we do get some of that patent ogling of underage girls and dated-feeling thoughts about middle aged women here. If you can’t overlook those things and enjoy the story told here, I’d give the book a pass.
Just a pleasant read from one of my favorite authors.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
"Run as far away as you’d like, the wall had told me. I will always be there."
Our dear Unnamed Protagonist has a bit of an identity issue. He met a girl when he was 17, had a brief, unrequited love, and then she vanished. During their time together, they played a game imagining a walled city together. This stuck with our Unnamed Protagonist long after she vanished, until circumstances bring him to the very city the two of them dreamed up when they were kids. Lo and behold, the 16 year old girl is there, acting as the Unnamed Protagonist’s assistant in dream reading. Things get along swimmingly (if a bit same-y, day after day after day after day after….), until the Unnamed Protagonist helps his own shadow leave the city, never to return. Suddenly we’re back in Japan, in Fukushima, with our Unnamed Protagonist acting as a librarian in a very remote town. Where did the walled city go? What does the dead-but-not old head librarian know about the walled city and how to get back? Who is the kid with the Yellow Submarine sweatshirt? All these questions and (so many) more are yours to explore by the end.
I won't get into my deeper thoughts on what I thought this book meant, because that's more for the reader to find. I will say I liked the themes here of (thematic spoilers here) duality, the perception of reality, and moving on from unrequited love, amongst other things.
Right off the bat I feel like this had some pacing issues in the middle. I enjoyed the young love setup in the beginning, and enjoyed the satisfying payoff as things start accelerating past the midpoint of the book, but the day-after-day sameness of the library in Fukushima felt a little thin. The detail is certainly there though, so if you love Murakami depicting everyday life (I do), you’ll get that itch scratched here. In true Murakami fashion, don’t go into this looking for definitive answers from the author, because the real answers are the ones you find (or, make up convincingly) along the way. I appreciated being able to revisit the town from Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, and was pleasantly surprised that it didn’t feel like a rehash exactly, just another story layered over the same town. And finally, while there’s no sex in this book (Murakami bingo card holders with ‘weird sex’ as a square, I’m sorry), we do get some of that patent ogling of underage girls and dated-feeling thoughts about middle aged women here. If you can’t overlook those things and enjoy the story told here, I’d give the book a pass.
Just a pleasant read from one of my favorite authors.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Added to listyou are an animalwith 1 book.