
Best Sf


The Dog Said Bow-Wow

2001 • 7 Readers 4


Dancing with Bears

#1 of 1 in Darger and Surplus

2011 • 7 Readers • 300 pages 4


Bones of the Earth

2002 • 7 Readers 3.5


Jack Faust

2016 • 4 Readers • 337 pages 4


The Dragons of Babel

#2 of 3 in The Iron Dragon's Daughter

2008 • 7 Readers • 326 pages 4.5


The Iron Dragon's Daughter

#1 of 3 in The Iron Dragon's Daughter

1993 • 38 Readers • 424 pages 4.3


Perdido Street Station

#1 of 3 in New Crobuzon

2000 • 556 Readers 4


The City & The City

2009 • 453 Readers • 336 pages 4


The Player of Games

#2 of 10 in Culture

1988 • 388 Readers • 309 pages 4.2


The league of extraordinary gentlemen

#1 of 3 in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

1999 • 139 Readers • 192 pages 3.8


The Invisibles, Vol. 7: The Invisible Kingdom

2001 • 8 Readers • 288 pages 4


The man from the diogenes club

#1 of 2 in The Diogenes Club

2006 • 6 Readers 4.8


A Wizard of Earthsea

#1 of 6 in Earthsea Cycle

1968 • 1,254 Readers • 210 pages 3.9


Schismatrix Plus

1996 • 36 Readers • 336 pages 3.5


Cover 1

7 Readers 4.3



#1 of 3 in Sprawl

1984 • 1,571 Readers • 271 pages 3.9



2000 • 42 Readers • 608 pages 3.9


NextWave, Agents of H.A.T.E.: Ultimate Collection

#1-12 of 2 in NextWave, Agents of H.A.T.E.

2010 • 12 Readers • 304 pages 4.3


Worlds' End

#8 of 11 in The Sandman

1991 • 149 Readers • 168 pages 4.5


Guards! Guards!

#8 of 41 in Discworld

1989 • 727 Readers • 344 pages 4.2


Celestial Matters

1996 • 8 Readers • 352 pages 5


The Tombs of Atuan

#2 of 6 in Earthsea Cycle

1970 • 370 Readers • 196 pages 4


Helliconia Spring

1982 • 56 Readers • 555 pages 2.8


The Difference Engine

1990 • 116 Readers • 445 pages 3.2


The Lies of Locke Lamora

#1 of 7 in Gentleman Bastard

2006 • 1,642 Readers • 745 pages 4.3


Last Call

#1 of 3 in Fault Lines

1992 • 50 Readers • 460 pages 3.9


The Books of Magic

#0 of 3 in The Books of Magic

1993 • 66 Readers 4.1


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

#1 of 6 in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

1979 • 3,164 Readers • 215 pages 4.2


Bridge of Birds

#1 of 3 in The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox

1984 • 124 Readers • 292 pages 3.9


The Fellowship of the Ring

#1 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings

1954 • 2,808 Readers • 398 pages 4.4


The Lord of the Rings

#1-3 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings

1954 • 1,366 Readers • 1,178 pages 4.5



#1 of 4 in Leviathan

2009 • 239 Readers • 450 pages 3.8


The Windup Girl

#1 of 1 in The Windup Universe

2009 • 333 Readers • 359 pages 3.7


Cover 8

2011 • 5 Readers • 954 pages 5


At the Mouth of the River of Bees: Stories

2012 • 20 Readers • 297 pages 3.8


Cover 7

2008 • 2 Readers • 32 pages 5



The Mountain in the Sea

2022 • 343 Readers • 312 pages 4.1