
Philosophy (Primary Literature)

Essays and Aphorisms

Essays and Aphorisms
ByArthur Schopenhauer

1851 • 49 Readers • 293 pages 4.1

Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth

#1 of 3 in Essential Works of Foucault (1954-1984)

Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth
ByMichel Foucault,Robert Hurley(Translator)

1997 • 3 Readers

Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason

1961 • 90 Readers • 310 pages 3.6

"Society Must Be Defended"

#6 of 10 in Cours au Collège de France/Lectures at the Collège de France

1992 • 14 Readers • 336 pages 4.8

The Anti-Christ

The Anti-Christ
ByFriedrich Nietzsche

1895 • 67 Readers • 126 pages 3.6

The Foucault Reader

The Foucault Reader
ByMichel Foucault

1984 • 14 Readers • 390 pages

Cover 8

The Unique and Its Property
ByWolfi Landstreicher, Apio Ludd, Max Stirner

1 Reader 5