25 Books
See allRobert Cardinal Sarah displays in this book a clarity about the faith, doctrine, and perspicacy that overwhelms the reader. His opinions about the crisis of faith, priesthood, church, humanity, economic and political systems, and finally the social and philosophical fabric of societies can be seen as facts by an attentive reader, who knows the importance of sound faith and a cohesive junction of language, culture, religion, and political organization that make and sustain societies. His prospect of fading faith and recognition of dignity of human life, born and otherwise, should capture our attention and our policymakers'.
Therefore, recognizing the truth that Church entails is crucial as the very notions that keep humanity in peace are vanishing.
Although this future might seem dim, there is the light of our lord Jesus, never fading and always enthralling in our lives.
This book very entertainingly touches science, religion, mathematics, humanities, economics, and warfare. It is truly a classic of science fiction, to which every other sci-fi book will be forever compared.
A premissa de Metamorfose é extremamente simples: um filho adulto de uma família se metamorfoseia em um inseto (de certa forma). Essa premissa, contudo, leva a várias outras metamorfoses, sendo a mais interessante para mim a desumanização de um antigo filho e irmão. No fim, parece que ele nunca foi nenhuma dessas coisas tão facilmente ele é descartado pela família Samsa. O livro é ainda mais interessante, pois ele nunca desumaniza o novo inseto. Fisicamente, ela não é mais humano, mas conscientemente acompanhamos seu definhamento de um modo nefasto.
This book is in the format of Q&A, with our Pope Francis answering questions regarding the 2016 Holy Year of Mercy. As our pontiff says, God's mercy is superabundant and one of the features of His omnipotence. By emphasizing the importance of the sacrament of confession, the Pope argues how great and mysterious our God is, given He's not just mercy, but goodness, justice, and truth. These three last aspects of our God show his boundless mercy and power to reach us even in our darkest hours. Finally, mercy and compassion as proposed by Church is telling of its abilities to be a bridge between our temporal world, fallen by sin, and God's atemporal reality, full of mercy.
Pope Benedict XVI, then Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, explains marvelously the truths of the Christian faith, even though the disagreements that exist between the Catholic, Orthodox, and Prostetant sects of Christianity. Using love as the main theme of the book, our emeritus Pope uses the Apostles' Creed as an organizational scheme and then explains how the some powerful ideas and theology came to be in Christianity and how they are related to the central role of Christ in it. The message of hope, faith, and charity in this book is undeniable and it's what gives it form as an introduction to Christianity, which often seems so dogmatized and multiple, never achieving a consensus among the sects.