


The scientist as rebel

2006 • 9 Readers • 400 pages 4.3


Deep Simplicity

2005 • 11 Readers • 304 pages 1


Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field

2014 • 14 Readers • 330 pages 3.5


Leonardo's Notebooks

1519 • 23 Readers • 352 pages 3.7


What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

#1 of 2 in What If?

14 • 815 Readers • 320 pages 4.2


The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer

2010 • 329 Readers • 571 pages 4.2


Back-of-the-Envelope Physics

2003 • 1 Reader • 173 pages


Art of Doing Science and Engineering

2003 • 78 Readers • 376 pages 4.4



2017 • 29 Readers • 479 pages 3.9


Seeing Like a State

The Institution for Social and Policy Studies

1998 • 107 Readers • 445 pages 4.1


Feynman Lectures On Gravitation

1995 • 2 Readers • 272 pages


Who We Are and How We Got Here

2018 • 44 Readers • 335 pages 4.3


A Crack in Creation

2017 • 55 Readers • 304 pages 4


Why Information Grows

2015 • 20 Readers • 258 pages 3


The Book of Why

2018 • 56 Readers • 432 pages 3.7


The Tangled Tree

2018 • 41 Readers • 480 pages 4.2


Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space

2016 • 19 Readers • 241 pages 3.3


The fractal geometry of nature

1983 • 10 Readers • 468 pages 5


Cover 2

1987 • 1 Reader


Energy and Civilization: A History

2017 • 60 Readers • 568 pages 3.6


Aesthetics, Industry, and Science

2018 • 2 Readers • 432 pages


Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

1800 • 141 Readers • 313 pages 3.8


Tales from the Ant World

2020 • 8 Readers • 240 pages 3


The Human Story

2004 • 2 Readers • 216 pages 4