“Thinking is much harder work than moralizing.” p. 26
“Fear is a more potent political weapon than hope.” p. 49
“It was no exaggeration to say of Ronald Reagan's presidency, which instituted the Republican Party's fanatical anti-abortion policy (with no exemptions for rape and incest), that Reagan believed the government's responsibility began with conception and ended at birth.” p. 57
“This, then, is how I understand him now: a human being fleeing ghosts while chasing shadows.” p. 16
“In order to catch even a fleeting glimpse of the world, we must break with our familiar acceptance of it.” p. 196
“You think people never say what they mean. The truth is, nine times out of ten what they say is all they mean.” P. 362
“It is not that thought is hidden behind the actions but that all the omissions and silences, the evidence of things not seen, must be accounted for if you're to see anything.” p. 427
“How petty seemed to me the human condition, that we were subject to this constant struggle to modulate the internal environment, this endless being tossed about like a cloud.” p. 146
Total page-turner that I finished in one day. A fantastical adventure through the eyes of a young boy.
4.5 - unfair to compare to septology but that's what i did - had i read it first probs would be a 5.