

Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars

2016 • 42 Readers • 188 pages 3.7

Jade City

#1 of 3 in The Green Bone Saga

Jade City
ByFonda Lee

2017 • 1,278 Readers • 498 pages 4.1

My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness: Special Edition

#1 of 5 in My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness

2016 • 121 Readers • 156 pages 4

The Empress of Salt and Fortune

#1 of 8 in The Singing Hills Cycle

2020 • 476 Readers • 75 pages 3.9

The Magic Fish

The Magic Fish
ByTrung Le Nguyen

2020 • 81 Readers • 256 pages 4.6

The Magic Fish

The Magic Fish
ByTrung Le Nguyen

2020 • 35 Readers • 257 pages 4.7

This Is How You Lose the Time War

This Is How You Lose the Time War
ByAmal El-Mohtar,Max Gladstone

2019 • 2,043 Readers • 4h 16m 3.9