
Nudisto Reads

Brave New World / Brave New World Revisited

1932 • 272 Readers • 184 pages 4.3

C'?? un cadavere al Bioparco

#3 of 1 in Giovanni Buonvino

2021 • 1 Reader • 169 pages 1

Emergency Skin

#3 of 6 in Forward Collection

Emergency Skin
ByN.K. Jemisin

2019 • 256 Readers • 33 pages 4.1

Pebble in the Sky

Pebble in the Sky
ByIsaac Asimov

107 Readers 3.6


ByPatrick Suskind

2014 • 2 Readers • 272 pages 3

The Books of Earthsea

#1 of 6 in Earthsea Cycle

The Books of Earthsea
ByUrsula K. Le Guin

1993 • 88 Readers • 1,008 pages 4.2

The Cabin at the End of the World

2018 • 433 Readers • 288 pages 3.3

The Currents of Space

#2 of 3 in Galactic Empire

The Currents of Space
ByIsaac Asimov

1952 • 97 Readers • 261 pages 3.4

The Man in the High Castle

1962 • 919 Readers • 239 pages 3.5

The Pigeon

The Pigeon
ByPatrick Süskind

1987 • 36 Readers • 96 pages 3.7

The Stars, Like Dust

#1 of 3 in Galactic Empire

The Stars, Like Dust
ByIsaac Asimov

1951 • 117 Readers • 192 pages 3.3

The Troop

The Troop
ByNick Cutter

2014 • 485 Readers • 11h 3m 3.7