Unfortunately I have to dnf this. Not because it's bad, but because I've fallen asleep trying to read this soooooo many times. The premise is very interesting but for some reason I just can't get to the end. I got at least halfway and I'd love to keep reading (as slow as it is) but it has put me in a bit of a slump and I'd really rather read some of the other books in my tbr pile so I'm saving this for another time. Mark my words, I WILL complete this eventually.
“If you be a man, plunge your erect member into her with lascivious delight; if you be a woman, open wide your loins in lewd anticipation.”
uuuum okay ig
For the majority of the book Lilith wanders around then blacks out a couple thousand years. This repeats a few times until the end when she's basically like “yup misogyny is bad”. The message is really overt and the book doesn't take the time to ever give it any depth. Overall, things kind of just happened and the characters were bland. At times it seemed to be weirdly gender essentialist as well.
imagine dedicating an entire book series to a random 18th century poet in which you go into shameless, explicit detail about how “beautiful” and “handsome” he is until it eventually culminates into a very strange sex scene which results in the creation of a fake John Keat's daughter who is also Jesus
I think I'm too much of a hater for enemies to lovers. If someone publicly humiliated me like that I would never forgive them.