this felt like i was reading a goosebumps book but of the mediocre ones even though i did really like the whole control-a-deadly-spider-with-telepathy-and-a-flute thing and the fact that mr crepsley doesn't give a single hoot about anything. whatta mood


if you don't have full authority to arrest anyone, then by god you at least have the authority to sit on their unconscious body while waiting for the cavalry to arrive

May 15, 2019
July 23, 2019

4.75 - what am i meant to do with my life?? my local libraries only carry so many gay historical romances and i don't have money to purchase ebooks...

July 28, 2019

i'm gonna be thinking about the gray boy's work for a WHILE now trying to figure it out

August 27, 2019

i'm not emotionally compromised, YOU'RE emotionally compromised


did i read this almost entirely because peter cushing (aka Dad Helsing) wrote the foreword? pretty much. did i thoroughly enjoy it despite that? absolutely


holy moly this was unexpectedly painful to the emotions

October 20, 2019

interesting concept but honestly? for the repetition of the same phrase (‘formal elegance') and appalling number of times the slur ‘g*psy' was used in a modern context and the switching between adoring and making digs at millennials....gonna have to give this a 2.5 :/

December 8, 2019

2.5 - this was an interesting concept but something about the way it was written just didn't grab me :/

December 15, 2019

on the surface this looked interesting but honestly? i was kinda wanting more of the history of fans creating things and less hand-holding re: definitions of terms and ideas that are now pretty mainstream


this...might have unseated the ghost writer as my favorite book, but it's a very VERY close thing

March 21, 2020

this was a resounding “meh” for me; the potential is there but on the whole i was more interested in the alien society set up than i was about the boys themselves. that and i'd REALLY like to know what was shown in the bedroom that made the narrator's friend act like that

September 1, 2020

now THIS is the folk horror stuff i LIKE. bog mummy take the wheel

September 18, 2020

the best fact in this whole book: nick lea? uncertain about how he feels about werewolves or vampires. i have no choice but to stan

September 22, 2020

this felt a bit like a monster calls, but i just didn't like it quite as much :/ still, a decent little companion if you want a similar-feeling tale

November 10, 2020
May 20, 2021

a poor adaptation but the colorist did an incredible job

the blurb calls this “fast-paced” but it was WAY too quick and i couldn't tell many of the characters apart :/

August 9, 2021

gorgeously illustrated but i do sorely wish that the “traditional airs” mentioned in the foreword as being the tunes for the ballads were easier to find :( that way i could attempt to find recordings

August 9, 2021

love how every meathead soldier was outwitted by the local Rich Idiot with No Day Job™

June 23, 2021

you FOOLS. that isn't his partner, that's his HUSBAND.

December 7, 2021

fencing is a fine ‘game' and all but stabbing your buddy? NOT it

December 23, 2021
May 12, 2019
March 29, 2022