thank you for giving me the knowledge that brittany snow is going to be a girlkisser (and girlfucker) once again
this has a samaritans by idles reference so it's automatically a high rating for me
I liked the minimalism of it and the colours but the art style didn't really work for me
brb gonna meet a girl on an app, get friendzoned by her because she doesn't want to be casual with me, and then fall hopelessly in love with her
the overuse of emojis and goodreads reviews in the official blurb should've clued me in that this was going to be an absolute dud
no more anna dorn
this is the ad book I've read now and I just find all of the characters too insufferable/offensive to enjoy the book
so this guy sounds like an absolute tool but the author does a good job of holding him accountable and highlighting queer history which doesn't get much of a spotlight
okay but if this was written today it would absolutely be up on ao3/tumblr instead of being traditionally published and I love those vibes
yet another battle of me vs a character driven book
yes it's beautifully written and yes i related to and liked the characters but i just needed more plot from this in order to fully enjoy it