October 17, 2017

3.5 stars for the book, 4 stars for the series. The series is difficult to get into but once you are in it gets interesting. This is a case where the whole is more then the sum of its parts.

October 17, 2022

4 stars for the book, 4 stars for the series. Much better then the first book, and starts answering questions from book 1.

October 11, 2022

2.5 stars for the book, 4 stars for the series. Very rough start. Missing a lot of context needed early in the book. Difficult to get into but once you are in it gets interesting.

October 9, 2022

Great review of the theory of multimodal learning. Parts 1 and 2 are well done. Lesson plans are good but lack SMART outcomes.

December 4, 2023

3.5 stars

Interesting connections between gender, sexuality, and identity with marine life.

June 8, 2023

Writing 5 out of 5 and amazing. It saved the book.

The book could have been shorter and not lost anything or been diminished in quality.

The ending needed a tighter tie up.

March 3, 2023