Advanced Reader Copy received in exchange for a fair review
Mythologies were some of the first stories I remember reading as a young child. Tales of the Greek, Roman, Norse, Indian, Egyptian, gods, goddesses and more. Even now as an adult I can't resist the opportunity to see a novel that takes these familiar and beloved characters from time and brings them to life in a new a format.
I have read other works like Rick Riordan and The Goddess Test series where they create new characters in worlds where the gods exist. What I enjoyed most about Echoes of the Gods and sets it apart was the character development Gaia Sol did with her original characters. They have a depth to them that allows you to see them and feel moved by them and their story.
In this genre many original characters tend to lack development and characters based on known people or gods are out of character and not true to their mythological roots. I can see and enjoy the research that the author put into the Gods and the worlds they came from to create a complete world.
I think there is more to explore between them and the layered world she created and hope to see more based in.
I definitely plan on rereading Echos of the Gods and any more books by Gaia Sol.
3.5 stars for the book, 4 stars for the series. The series is difficult to get into but once you are in it gets interesting. This is a case where the whole is more then the sum of its parts.
4 stars for the book, 4 stars for the series. Much better then the first book, and starts answering questions from book 1.
2.5 stars for the book, 4 stars for the series. Very rough start. Missing a lot of context needed early in the book. Difficult to get into but once you are in it gets interesting.
Great review of the theory of multimodal learning. Parts 1 and 2 are well done. Lesson plans are good but lack SMART outcomes.
3.5 stars
Interesting connections between gender, sexuality, and identity with marine life.
Writing 5 out of 5 and amazing. It saved the book.
The book could have been shorter and not lost anything or been diminished in quality.
The ending needed a tighter tie up.