
Theory Reading List


The Wretched of the Earth

1961 • 203 Readers • 336 pages 4.4



1972 • 85 Readers • 472 pages 4.3


A Thousand Plateaus

1980 • 74 Readers • 723 pages 4.4


Eros and civilization

1953 • 18 Readers • 277 pages 3.6


Aesthetic Theory

2020 • 21 Readers 4


The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

1959 • 49 Readers • 259 pages 3.9


Wage-Labour and Capital/Value, Price and Profit

1849 • 20 Readers • 62 pages 4.5


The history of sexuality

1976 • 90 Readers • 116 pages 3.4


Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?

2009 • 266 Readers • 81 pages 4.1


Fanged Noumena: Collected Writings, 1987–2007

2011 • 38 Readers • 666 pages 4.2


Writing And Difference

1967 • 26 Readers 4


Erotism: Death and Sensuality

1957 • 42 Readers • 344 pages 3



2008 • 41 Readers 3.5


Thus Spoke Zarathustra

1883 • 450 Readers • 356 pages 3.9


An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

1748 • 99 Readers • 305 pages 4.1