

Any editions of books you've marked as 'owned' will show up in this list.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

#1 of 2 in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

2010 • 130 Readers • 336 pages 3.4

A Midsummer Night's Dream

A Midsummer Night's Dream
ByWilliam Shakespeare

1595 • 534 Readers • 166 pages 3.9

As You Like It

As You Like It
ByWilliam Shakespeare

1599 • 109 Readers • 288 pages 3.8

A War of Gifts: An Ender Battle School Story

#1.1 of 6 in Ender's Saga

2006 • 74 Readers • 128 pages 3.2

Bone, Vol. 3: Eyes of the Storm

168 Readers 4.1

Brave New World

Brave New World
ByAldous Huxley

1930 • 2,607 Readers • 332 pages 3.9

Children of the Mind

#4 of 6 in Ender's Saga

Children of the Mind
ByOrson Scott Card

1996 • 280 Readers • 284 pages 3.6

Dies the Fire

#1 of 15 in Emberverse

Dies the Fire
ByS. M. Stirling

2005 • 70 Readers • 573 pages 3.3


#1 of 8 in Dune

ByFrank Herbert

1965 • 4,094 Readers • 704 pages 4.3

Earth Awakens

#3 of 3 in The First Formic War

Earth Awakens
ByOrson Scott Card,Aaron Johnston

2014 • 54 Readers • 414 pages 3.9

Earth Unaware

#1 of 3 in The First Formic War

Earth Unaware
ByOrson Scott Card,Aaron Johnston

2012 • 95 Readers • 468 pages 3.9


#1 of 10 in Empire

ByOrson Scott Card

2006 • 34 Readers • 372 pages 2.9

Empire of Sin

#2 of 10 in Empire

Empire of Sin
ByRina Kent

2009 • 24 Readers • 358 pages 2.8

Ender in Exile

#11 of 18 in Enderverse: Publication Order

Ender in Exile
ByOrson Scott Card

2007 • 149 Readers • 384 pages 3.7

Ender's Game

#1 of 6 in Ender's Saga

Ender's Game
ByOrson Scott Card

1985 • 2,255 Readers • 256 pages 4.3

Ender's Shadow

#5 of 18 in Enderverse: Publication Order

Ender's Shadow
ByOrson Scott Card

1999 • 337 Readers • 384 pages 4.2

First Meetings in Ender's Universe

Ender's Saga short stories

1999 • 58 Readers • 212 pages 3.7


ByJohn Gardner

1971 • 115 Readers • 174 pages 3.6

I Am Legend

I Am Legend
ByRichard Matheson

1954 • 646 Readers • 312 pages 3.9

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar
ByWilliam Shakespeare

1599 • 271 Readers • 145 pages 3.8

Jurassic Park

#1 of 2 in Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park
ByMichael Crichton

1967 • 1,266 Readers • 805 pages 4.1

King Kong

King Kong
ByJoe DeVito,Brad Strickland

2005 • 1 Reader 3

King Lear

King Lear
ByWilliam Shakespeare

1605 • 305 Readers • 284 pages 3.8

Magic Street

Magic Street
ByOrson Scott Card

2005 • 9 Readers • 11 pages 2.3

Many Waters

#4 of 8 in Kairos

Many Waters
ByMadeleine L'Engle

1986 • 101 Readers • 359 pages 4.1

Monster Island

#1 of 2 in Monster Island

Monster Island
ByDavid Wellington

2004 • 25 Readers • 282 pages 3.7

Much Ado About Nothing

Graphic Shakespeare

Much Ado About Nothing
ByWilliam Shakespeare

1598 • 265 Readers • 170 pages 4.2


#1 of 3 in The Night Trilogy

ByElie Wiesel,Stella Rodway(Translator)

1955 • 808 Readers • 126 pages 4.3

Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show

3 Readers 4


ByWilliam Shakespeare

1603 • 443 Readers • 226 pages 3.8


#1 of 3 in Pathfinder

ByOrson Scott Card

1995 • 76 Readers 3.9


ByMichael Crichton

2002 • 235 Readers • 392 pages 3.7

Cover 4

ByDoug Chiang,Orson Scott Card

3 Readers 4.3

Cover 5

1994 • 3 Readers 3.7


#2 of 3 in Pathfinder

ByOrson Scott Card

2012 • 31 Readers 3.8

Shadow of the Giant

#4 of 5 in The Shadow Series

Shadow of the Giant
ByOrson Scott Card

2000 • 149 Readers • 365 pages 3.7

Shadow Puppets

#3 of 5 in The Shadow Series

Shadow Puppets
ByOrson Scott Card

2002 • 157 Readers • 352 pages 3.5

Shadows in Flight

#5 of 5 in The Shadow Series

Shadows in Flight
ByOrson Scott Card

2013 • 85 Readers • 240 pages 3.2

Speaker for the Dead

#2 of 6 in Ender's Saga

Speaker for the Dead
ByOrson Scott Card

1986 • 654 Readers • 382 pages 4.1

Stone Tables

Stone Tables
ByOrson Scott Card

1997 • 3 Readers • 448 pages 4.3

The Alchemist

The Alchemist
ByPaulo Coelho

1988 • 2,060 Readers • 181 pages 3.5

The Arabian Nights

The Arabian Nights
ByHusain Haddawy(Translator)

2010 • 171 Readers • 523 pages 3.8

The Chronicles of Narnia

#1 of 7 in The Chronicles of Narnia (Publication Order)

1955 • 622 Readers • 799 pages 4.1

The comedy of errors

The comedy of errors
ByWilliam Shakespeare(Editor)

1594 • 8 Readers • 611 pages 4

The Fellowship of the Ring

#1 of 3 in The Lord of the Rings

1954 • 2,808 Readers • 398 pages 4.4

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

#1 of 6 in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

1979 • 3,164 Readers • 215 pages 4.2

The Lost Gate

#1 of 3 in Mither Mages

The Lost Gate
ByOrson Scott Card

2011 • 79 Readers 3.6

The Lost World

#2 of 2 in Jurassic Park

The Lost World
ByMichael Crichton

1995 • 353 Readers 3.7

The Martian Chronicles

20 • 777 Readers • 182 pages 4

The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice
ByWilliam Shakespeare,SparkNotes,+1 more

1596 • 211 Readers • 231 pages 3.7

The Shadow of the Hegemon

#2 of 5 in The Shadow Series

The Shadow of the Hegemon
ByOrson Scott Card

2000 • 174 Readers • 365 pages 3.7

The Silmarillion

Middle-earth Universe

The Silmarillion
ByJ.R.R. Tolkien

1977 • 817 Readers • 481 pages 4

The sixty-minute Shakespeare--Twelfth night

Sixty-Minute Shakespeare

1601 • 177 Readers • 75 pages 4

The Tempest

The Tempest
ByWilliam Shakespeare

1611 • 297 Readers • 211 pages 3.9

The Tragedie of Anthonie and Cleopatra: Applause First Folio Editions

The Shakespeare Collection

1606 • 63 Readers • 348 pages 3.8

The Valkyries

The Valkyries
ByPaulo Coelho

1988 • 16 Readers • 243 pages 2.9

The Walking Dead, Book 12

#23 of 32 in The Walking Dead

2015 • 8 Readers • 296 pages 4.6

The War of the Worlds

650 Readers 3.8


ByOrson Scott Card

1978 • 17 Readers 3.8

Under the Dome

Under the Dome
ByStephen King

2009 • 511 Readers • 640 pages 3.7


#3 of 3 in Pathfinder

ByOrson Scott Card

2014 • 23 Readers 4


#1 of 12 in Watchmen

ByAlan Moore

1987 • 1,153 Readers • 415 pages 4.4


ByOrson Scott Card

1987 • 11 Readers • 272 pages 3.5


#3 of 6 in Ender's Saga

ByOrson Scott Card

1991 • 389 Readers • 444 pages 3.6