

Carl Brown

Joineda year ago



Location:Austin, TX

Carl Brown's Books by Status

72 Books

See all
Advanced UNIX Programming
Neither Liberal nor Conservative: Ideological Innocence in the American Public
Akata Warrior
Akata Witch
Rogue One
Blood For Blood
Mission of Gravity

Carl Brown's Most Popular Reviews

Fascinating read. Not for everyone, and parts were somewhat confusing and/or implausible to me (oddly enough, not the Alien parts, but the Human reaction parts).

But very very good, very original and fascinating aliens and societies.

June 11, 2017
November 24, 2020

Quite a comprehensive book, but if you've been carefully following the COVID-19 news the last 6 months, there won't be much here that's new to you.

October 29, 2020