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Florian's Books by Status

95 Books

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Bach: Music in the Castle of Heaven
Neon Birds
Supernova Era
Operation Garbo: The Personal Story of the Most Successful Spy of World War II
The Ruins

Florian's Reading Goals


2/12 books

2025 Reading Goal

Read 12 books by . You're right on schedule! 🙌

Florian's Most Popular Reviews

One of those books that is super long but really profits from it. Great story and didn't get boring due to things constantly happening keeping the tension up . Would recommend

January 24, 2020

Unsurprisingly another 5 star rating. I feel like this book stood out a bit more than the previous ones. Can't put this series away... Thankfully they wrote plenty of books

July 8, 2020

What have I done... I think I have to burn through the whole series now!

March 8, 2020

Loved this one. Doesn't really give you a break for a single page! Recommended if you want something thrilling with plot twists, but don't expect deep literature

January 30, 2021

I give this book 5 stars, not because it was exceptionally written or a groundbreaking story. It just fulfilled my expectations: science team, army team, monster in a forest. It was full of action in a fast pace and did exactly what it should: entertain. I also enjoyed the NZ setting

July 13, 2020