
23/24 booksArchived

2024 Reading Goal

Read 24 books by . You're right on schedule! 🙌

Sherlock Holmes - The Stuff of Nightmares
Sherlock Holmes: The Thinking Engine
Sherlock Holmes and The Twelve Thefts of Christmas
Sherlock Holmes and The Beast of the Stapletons
Sherlock Holmes & the Christmas Demon
Sherlock Holmes & The Three Winter Terrors
The Lost Cause
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Volume 3
Sherlock Holmes and the Sussex Sea-Devils
Big Sur
Sherlock Holmes and the miskatonic monstrosities
A Stroke of the Pen
Basil Rathbone Reads Edgar Allan Poe: Volume Two
Red Team Blues: A Martin Hench Novel
Basil Rathbone Reads Edgar Allan Poe: Volume Three
The Cthulhu Casebooks - Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows
The Atlas Six
Desolation Peak: Collected Writings
Chokepoint Capitalism: How Big Tech and Big Content Captured Creative Labor Markets and How We'll Win Them Back
The Maltese Falcon
Starship Troopers