
Any editions of books you've marked as 'owned' will show up in this list.


ByErnest Cline

2000 • 507 Readers • 370 pages 3.3

Love Is a Dog from Hell

Love Is a Dog from Hell
ByCharles Bukowski

1977 • 97 Readers • 307 pages 3.3

Storm in a Teacup

Storm in a Teacup
ByHelen Czerski

30 Readers • 10h 13m 4.1

The Dharma Bums

Duluoz Legend

The Dharma Bums
ByJack Kerouac

1950 • 179 Readers • 187 pages 4

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet

#1 of 4 in Wayfarers

2014 • 1,487 Readers • 423 pages 4.1

The Lost Cause

The Lost Cause
ByCory Doctorow

2023 • 38 Readers • 276 pages 3.1

The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet

The Way, With The Enchanted Neighborhood

1992 • 34 Readers • 380 pages 3.3