Steve Investigates is a banger name for a private detective agency

November 28, 2024

5 stars. Every single time I think I've figured out the murderer's identity, and every single time I'm proven wrong.

April 10, 2022

M.W. Craven delivers again

January 1, 2021

Yet another chapter of Hunter running from one place to another. I'm starting to see a pattern here...

January 1, 2021

4 stars, because Ronan would have given only 1. @#$& you Ronan.

January 1, 2021

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What if Gordon Ramsay was a murderer?”


...Just me then?

Well, you'll probably enjoy this anyway. M.W. Craven is very quickly becoming my favorite crime fiction writer.

January 1, 2021

5 stars. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Thrawn's secret history with Anakin Skywalker lives up to the hype. Though the chapters written from Padme's point of view were a bit slow (just my opinion).

January 1, 2021
December 20, 2021

The Doctor and Bill vs the faerie folk...yeah that's an easy 5 stars mate

January 1, 2020

A very spooky 11th Doctor adventure. 5 stars

January 1, 2020

3.5 rounded to 4. Strong start to an ambitious new trilogy and excellent introduction to (would be) Grand Admiral Thrawn.

January 1, 2021

So...that was weird. Guess I'm gonna go and

November 1, 2021

“It Devours!? Oh yeah, I've read that book,” I said to my cat, who continued to stare at me listlessly

December 28, 2021

That ending tho

January 1, 2021

A near perfect 11th Doctor story. Highly highly recommended

January 1, 2020

You know... Phantom Blood and Dracula are pretty similar when you think about it...

October 1, 2021

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go and scrub my brain

January 1, 2021

Brilliant. Poirot's little grey cells are almost superhuman. I never guessed the identity of the killer up till the last moment.

January 1, 2020

Perhaps the best Holmes pastiche I've read so far

January 1, 2020