Contains spoilers
Absolutely devastated. Ran and reread the last chapter of Beneath the Sugar Sky to feel better.
My favourite part of this book was how you could tell it was pieced together right around the time Zak fired Nick Groff, because sometimes Nick is mentioned in the present tense as a part of the Ghost Adventures Crew and other times he is conspicuously... not.
Also the part where Zak thinks women think the smell of Axe body spray is irresistible. Honey, no.
I read this book a few months back and just now realized I hadn't posted a review. And I'd meant to. But I'm much too lazy to remember what I wanted to say now, so I went back and found something I'd said on my blog about it and I'll just copy and paste that here, shall I?
“So I'm reading this book currently, okay?
And I went after work a little bit ago and ordered dinner, and it was going to take like 15 minutes or whatever so I went and sat in a booth and read my book.
After a while I heard the guy call to me that he had bad news. I thought my dinner had died a horrible firey death or something, but here he was just sorry to interrupt my reading this book because my order was ready.
Apparently my reactions to the book were as such that he was tempted to get out his phone and take a photo of me. Because I was just laughing and smiling the whole time.”
So, in short, this book is so amusing that I embarrassed myself in public. Good job, Hammond.
It's been a while since I've read any Clarkson and I'd forgotten how much I enjoy his style.
This book is a hella good time. I've not seen any other books going after this topic, and it's about time someone did.
Me, every 2 pages: “Dana Katherine Scully would never.”
Anyway I don't understand why this is a story that's been chosen to be told.
Decent, easy and quick read. Spock is absolutely without a doubt in love with Kirk.
This book's primary failing is its - predictably - poor handling of the female characters. In particular, Rod absolutely cannot help getting really gross any time Ilia is mentioned on the page.
Interesting, though told a somewhat non-linear fashion that makes it a little hard to follow. It was published in 1999, so there's a bit where he praises Harvey Weinstein which has aged like milk, and also a fun passing mention in the epilogue of his having discovered some kid called Alan Tudyk recently who seems to really be going places.
My favourite thing about novelizations like this is getting to spend a page and a half on the entire backstories of movie characters that just show up to die.
Victor Frankenstein: Human Disaster.
But seriously, read this as a black comedy and (other than any time the Monster is speaking and being Sad™) you'll have a good time.
Friends - I am not entirely convinced that Harlan Ellison was aware that women are people.
I sincerely wish this book hadn't happened to me. I looooved A Wrinkle In Time as a kid, so I decided I should go through with the whole series. I read Many Waters before this one, to get the story chronologically (even though the events from one book to another mostly do not matter????). And, y'all, the steep and progressive drop in quality from one book to the next is so incredibly real. I would be less upset if this development wasn't forever going to colour my memories of the first book. I'm going to do my best to pretend like A Wrinkle In Time was a stand alone novel forever.
Okay so I finished reading this book roughly 19 seconds ago and I need to hash this out while it's fresh, ya feel me,
I read this book because peer-pressured me into it. And I had read The Fault in Our Stars and it's just lovely, so why not.
Let me tell you this, Let me tell you.
This book. Is terrible. It's awful. It's horrible. It's so bad I am angry I made myself finish it.
The story is populated entirely by pretentious, pseudo-intellectual 16-year-old super special snowflakes. It is written in pretentious, pseudo-intellectual prose. Everyone is in love with the manic pixie dream girl with the quirky name who has no real personality whatsoever other than being sooo mysterious and unpredictable omgggg. Also, boobs and booze. Boobs, booze, and mystery! She serves no purpose other than to be the protag's wet dream, and it's pathetic.
And then she dies only I don't care and neither does our narrator who is mostly upset because he didn't get to bang her before she died.
This book just tries so very very hard to be deep and meaningful and labyrinths and just the biggest load of crap I have ever had to try to make sense out of. The character development is bull. The moral of the story is bull. This feels like it was posted in serialized form on Livejournal before being picked up by a publisher.
John Green, I'm sorry, but we can't be friends anymore.