190 Books
See allDid not finish. An exciting premise but just got too rambling through chapter 5/6. Wanted to push through but did not find this warranted more of my time.
Cute illustrations. Cute idea.
However, with the seemingly intended audience of the very young - the wording seems too literal with its “promises” (“Because I'm your dad I/we will do....”) which can make this create a bit of trouble.
I had to give up.
I cringed when the woman who is a victim of trafficking wakes in the night in nightmares of PTSD screaming - and the author's comment from the main character is that he'd like to make her scream too.
It is only briefly later where there is the line about how the victim is a virgin - to which the main character thinks to himself, “breaking in virgins is hard work but someone's got to do it.”
This isn't to give you insight to a twisted kidnapper or criminal - this is the character painted as the hero and dashing prince come to save her.
I completely understand trash “rich man saves poor woman from bad situation” novel tropes. I got this book since it was listed as a trashy romance novel - those two situations about 1/3 of the way through though just made me realize i was being disgusted - rather than intrigued - by the story.
The book keeps talking about a robot wanting to go work for a big inventory company because he wants to be an inventor. He gets to the door of the business and... the story stops. The reader is given no information about whether or not the robot succeeds or anything- it just stops. I had to check the page count & binding to make sure I wasn't missing pages.