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124 books

What books did you learn most from?

Whether it's a course textbook or a fictional romance, we remember books that impact us deeply. Which books do you remember being forever changed by due to learning something new – either about you...

How Do You Live?

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31 books

What is the scariest horror book you have ever read?

I love horror books but am not scared the easiest! What are some books that had you locking your doors and checking under the bed?

Let the Right One In

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58 books

What are some books that messed with your mind?

Collecting books that disturbed you, made you think, or haunted you long after you were done reading.

House of Leaves

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3,356 books

What are your favorite books of all time?

When you think back on every book you've ever read, what are some of your favorites? These can be from any time of your life – books that resonated with you as a kid, ones that shaped your personal...

No Longer Human
Night on the Galactic Railroad & Other Stories from Ihatov
How Do You Live?
Let the Right One In