hard work

After the brilliance of the first 4 books, this was a slog. 500 pages, and only the last 80 or so really got going.
It's not dreadful, but where I read the first 4 in a couple of days each, this took me more than two weeks to wade through.

February 11, 2023

not what I was hoping for

I was hoping for advice on how to go about running in later years.
It may be in there, but if it is, it's well hidden in several hundred pages of rather repetitive anecdote.
I'm afraid I gave up looking, and gave up reading.

February 22, 2023

surprisingly compelling

I really enjoyed this read. It's a great insight into the mind and life of a seriously dedicated climber who dominated the scene (with one or two others) in his day.
Thoroughly enjoyable.

March 22, 2023
April 7, 2024


A great tragedy, well documented.
I must say I skipped the last section, which is just tributes and discography, but I get why they are included. They don't in any way diminish the value of the work even if you don't read them.

July 16, 2023
December 25, 2023

Interesting and informative

Some good information here. It feels like it's worthy of a second edition. Maybe with a bit more coverage of third wave ideas, and some nice photos.
Well worth a read as it stands, though.

April 22, 2024
September 10, 2024

A good and thought provoking outline

The only thing I was disappointed with is that it ended far too soon!
I'll definitely be following up on some of the “recommended reading”!

September 21, 2024
October 31, 2024