Cargill effortlessly blends mythologies and fairy tales into this dark tale of friendship and destiny. Highly recommended.
An interesting new “fairy tale” that has a dark and modern side to it. I'd be interested to see the ballet that is based off this story.
I really enjoyed the first two books in this series. They were engaging and the pacing of the story really pulled me along nicely and made me devour the books. This last book was still very well done and I enjoyed it overall, but it felt mired in details. The photos that accompany the first two books made sense and added the story, where as in this book I felt that they oftentimes, at the beginning especially, did not help to progress the story and were just there because the author felt he needed to use a photo since it is a hallmark of the series. The action picks up towards the end and drew me in for the last 150 pages, but the previous 300 pages were slow going at times.
Again, fun and quick. However, I found the end to be anticlimactic and a huge let down.
Felicia Day has a funny, conversational voice that works well for both her humorous and serious stories. An easy, fun, and insightful read.
I enjoy all of Mead's writing, but I think this is my favorite series by her. Fun and all quick reads, her characters are engaging and I enjoyed finding out more and more about Georgina throughout the series.
It's a solid book, but it's overly long. It takes quite a long time to get to, what I assumed was, the major story of the book–finding a magic teacher for Diana. When this subject is finally touched on, I found it fascinating, but the author leaves it quickly. There are a few pleasant subplots towards the beginning that kept my attention, but about halfway through it became a chore to read the book (and I even put it down for a month). The author also delights in exploring historical characters; however, I tired of this quickly as I felt they didn't add much to the story.
Points for getting me out of a reading funk and having some spark that made me want to continue reading it. The writing felt stilted and clich??d with occasional phrases that would take me out of the reading experience with their glibness. The characters lacked any real depth, for me, and the book scene flashbacks lost their novelty after a few chapters.
Such an odd little book. I ended up liking Nell and her whackadoodle thinking style, but I alternated between exasperation with her and really rooting for her as she navigates this world of toxicity she is trapped in.
Fun and quick to read, however I wish Bella was a stronger character who didn't let the males in the story treat her as a pawn a times.
Beautifully written and so engaging–I didn't want to put it down. This is one I had to have in my library.
Not very well written and I kept waiting for it to get more suspenseful. The ending did surprise me, so it got some points for that.
An epic telling of the King Arthur tale from the perspective of the women surrounding him. It does get a little long at the end, but I was thoroughly engaged for the most part and really enjoyed the book.
Gave up after 3.5 stories. Really enjoyed “Story of your Life” and I can appreciate the craftsmanship that went into the stories I did finish, but it was more hard sci-fi and lacked enough emotion to make me want to finish the collection.
I felt generally positive about this book until around halfway through when I got a bit tired of some of the over-dramatic writing and found I didn???t care at all how the love-triangle shook out.
Amazing. I loved this book and could not put it down. Ender is vulnerable and strong and I enjoyed reading about him. The ending found my jaw on the floor and held an interesting lesson about enemies.
Gave up after 4.5 stories. The titular story had promise, but I found the others tedious and boring.
I greatly enjoyed Claire and her story. Aspects of it get a little long and repetitive, but I stayed highly engaged in the story for the vast majority of the book.
This book was just one thing on top of another on top of another and it got to be too much and too ridiculous for me. I found Darcy annoying and entitled, which made it hard to want to read.
An interesting concept, but the first part of the book really dragged for me. However, the second half picked up the pace and became engaging. Not my favorite YA vamp novel, but an interesting perspective nonetheless.