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Earwen's Books by Status

280 Books

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The Farthest Shore
The Dangers of Smoking in Bed
The Phoenix Keeper
Star Eater
The Veiled Throne

Earwen's Most Popular Reviews

Not as good as the first book, I read the author got bored with the series by this book and it shows. It's still fun though and how many extremely self aware urban fantasy series with lesbian anti-heroines are there? Not many.

October 8, 2016

Like a 4.5? I had some issues with it but I'm excited to continue. I might roll it up depending how I feel in a week...

August 15, 2022

love the concept but the writing is giving me a headache so disjointed and strange. I think Joyce Carol Oates is not for me I didn't like the short story collection I read from her either.

February 18, 2024

Really fun interpretation of lovecraft myth. It is left a bit open at the end, like there is a sequel planned, but I couldn't find anything concrete on it for now. I probably wouldn't have picked it up if I knew this as I don't like starting unfinished series.

June 20, 2021